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Mildly Irritating: Aetolia's Pet Peeves



  • Nobody, and I mean NOBODY, uses RP add or for the RPWHO list. Great feature unused.
  • LinLin Blackbird The Moonglade
    Ayastia said:

    Nobody, and I mean NOBODY, uses RP add or for the RPWHO list. Great feature unused.

    I consider it another example of how so many of Aetolia's problems could be solved if they'd just add an automated AFK status. Was sick of seeing people on the list earthmelded or cooped up in their havens.
  • Lin said:

    I consider it another example of how so many of Aetolia's problems could be solved if they'd just add an automated AFK status. Was sick of seeing people on the list earthmelded or cooped up in their havens.
    That's fair. I stopped using it because when I would RPWHO I would only see myself on the list. If they just put something like or on their location, it would solve a lot of that issue.
  • Ayastia said:
    Nobody, and I mean NOBODY, uses RP add or for the RPWHO list. Great feature unused.
    My pet peeve is getting called a nobody. :-(
  • TetchtaTetchta The Innocent
    edited July 2021
    RP Who just seems kinda eh. I've never gotten RP from it from any source. I'm not actually convinced it's a great feature. I'm not trying to be critical of whoever implemented it, I just think it's probably not working, and may never work. I've used it in areas people can't get to with hoping maybe a divine/celani would step in, didn't get anything (which is fine!), and used it in public places and gotten nothing; part of me doesn't even like using it, because the joy of RP to me is the unexpected. I know RP can't be fully organic (sometimes you just gotta grit your teeth and be like "RP @ ME PUNK"), but something about RP who seems even more...idk. Like turning RP mode on.

  • Tetchta said:

    RP Who just seems kinda eh. I've never gotten RP from it from any source. I'm not actually convinced it's a great feature. I'm not trying to be critical of whoever implemented it, I just think it's probably not working, and may never work. I've used it in areas people can't get to with hoping maybe a divine/celani would step in, didn't get anything (which is fine!), and used it in public places and gotten nothing; part of me doesn't even like using it, because the joy of RP to me is the unexpected. I know RP can't be fully organic (sometimes you just gotta grit your teeth and be like "RP @ ME PUNK"), but something about RP who seems even more...idk. Like turning RP mode on.

    I've never really gotten anything from it, but I don't think that means the feature is bad. I think it's great. I just do not think enough people think about it. And I definitely understand wanting RP to be organic. But what I do like about it in that sense is all it does is give you the location of people wanting to rp. You don't know who you are going to or who on that list is even there, if say, they are standing at Inner Gate. I just wish it was used more.
  • TetchtaTetchta The Innocent
    I mean I think arguably anybody logged in is agreeing to RP, meaning WHO accomplishes essentially the same thing; but I also see the value if it works for you. I think @Lin is on the money about AFK stuff tho.

  • Tetchta said:

    I mean I think arguably anybody logged in is agreeing to RP,

    This, right here, is actually a peeve. Just because I'm online doesn't mean I'm going to RP with -anyone-. There are plenty of things I can and will do alone and wish to do so alone. Assuming because someone is online they are agreeing to RP is a number of phrases I'd get auto-modded for using.

    So no. I disagree. Just because I'm online does not mean I am agreeing to squat. If you want to RP you can bloody well ask instead of assuming it's okay to force your thought process onto my person.
  • TetchtaTetchta The Innocent
    edited July 2021
    I mean, it kinda depends on what you mean by that; if you're in the world, you can be affected by it. It doesn't mean you're giving the go ahead to people to harangue you in tells over and over or demand your energy or anything for something specific or that you have to drop everything to exchange long emotes or says or anything of the like. But logging in does presuppose accepting the consequences of your character being in a living, breathing world.

  • Yes, Tetchta. But I look at RPWHO as more of a... 'Hey guys, I am actively available and seeking rp' vs 'Assume I am available for rp even though I'm busy taking care of other things and don't really have time to interact with people right now'
  • edited July 2021
    Ayastia said:

    'Assume I am available for rp even though I'm busy taking care of other things and don't really have time to interact with people right now'

    You can just say "I'm busy, piss off" to people who slide into your dm's so-to-speak :open_mouth:

    edit: words are hard :(
    Toz says, "Dishonor on you (Mjoll), dishonor on your family (Seirath), dishonor on your cow (Bulrok)"
  • TetchtaTetchta The Innocent
    edited July 2021
    I don't necessarily disagree with you, Ayastia! Especially as someone who is often RP starved. I do wish more people used it. But I also think it's possible it's not being used because it may not be the right sort of thing for RP; it might be gamifying the system a little too much. I dunno. There's a reason people aren't using it; I'm just spitballing for why that might be. My first hunch is that it might just not be the right sorta thing for what it's trying to accomplish. But maybe it just is not enough people are using it! Who knows! Not me! :joy:

  • From what I've seen, the biggest reason people don't use it is because when someone sees someone on it the first thing they do is check who and find out who is in that room, or go into the zone and scent and then decide if they want to talk to that person or not. Because it gives others the option of just going "Oh, that's who it is? Nevermind, I'll go do literally -anything- else instead of interact with them."

    In the similar vein of people who will RP with someone religiously until the RP doesn't suit -their- wants or needs or interest and they just start avoiding someone they've built up RP with because "Eh, I don't like their RP anymore, screw em."
  • TetchtaTetchta The Innocent
    edited July 2021
    Ardent said:

    In the similar vein of people who will RP with someone religiously until the RP doesn't suit -their- wants or needs or interest and they just start avoiding someone they've built up RP with because "Eh, I don't like their RP anymore, screw em."

    This reminds me of something someone said to me recently regarding the RP culture in Aetolia, which unfortunately seemed uncomfortably true once I thought more about it, which is--heck I'll just quote them directly:
    People in aetolia are so blatant about avoiding you if you have history. Roleplaying, no matter how much we like to say otherwise, is totally second fiddle in aetolia - just not the top priority at all. People treat it bizarrely, they commodify it or weaponize it, they withhold it from people as punishment.
    And I really think you're right on the money with your observation as well.

  • Tetchta said:

    I don't necessarily disagree with you, Ayastia! Especially as someone who is often RP starved. I do wish more people used it. But I also think it's possible it's not being used because it may not be the right sort of thing for RP; it might be gamifying the system a little too much. I dunno. There's a reason people aren't using it; I'm just spitballing for why that might be. My first hunch is that it might just not be the right sorta thing for what it's trying to accomplish. But maybe it just is not enough people are using it! Who knows! Not me! :joy:

    I don't know either. My personal opinion is that, even from day one, I never really saw it used. Two or three people at most, including myself. I think it just never caught on as an unfamiliar system. Something that just slipped through the cracks as something not used because people weren't used to it and then forgot about it completely. I could be wrong, though!
  • TeaniTeani Shadow Mistress Sweden
    I really like the idea of the automatic AFK status on people who haven't done anything but cw/qw-stuff for an extended time. Maybe with some added features: 
    * If you're not afk and want some kind of action to fall in your lap, you can add yourself to RP WHO, and perhaps by default not be put on AKF list despite not doing anything as you wait and hope.
    * If you're semi-afk and mostly just chatting in web or clans, make it possible to add yourself to AFK, which will change if you move/act aggressively and be impossible to do after recently performing an aggressive action.

    It would be interesting to see how many people actually play actively, other than idling in some hidden room somewhere most of the time, or standing about in the usual idling spots all cities have. 

  • TetchtaTetchta The Innocent
    edited July 2021
    Deadass tempted to trigger "RP ADD" to my already-too-robust login script, and then do something like
    if commands_over_the_last_ten_minutes == 0 then
    send("RP REMOVE")
    AFK = True
    elseif AFK == True then
    send("RP ADD")
    AFK = False
    and sneakily patch it into Sunder while nobody's looking. That'll end this entire debate!

  • TeaniTeani Shadow Mistress Sweden
    Tetchta said a funny
    Thank you so much for your serious consideration of an attempt to bring up ideas. I'll let them be in the future.

  • I sat through learning all of weaponry for a 0% damage increase. Big sad.
  • Tahm said:

    I sat through learning all of weaponry for a 0% damage increase. Big sad.

    Oof. Sorry nobody told you beforehand that it doesn't work like that here. D:
    (Web): Abhorash has joined your web.
    (Web): Abhorash says, "Nerds."
    (Web): Abhorash has left your web.

    Alela's Affirmations
  • I think it used to way back when like 10 years ago. Buy yeah as of now nope. :/
  • TiurTiur Producer
    No no, quite the contrary! He actually asked me, and I -thought- I found a bypass set up to let classless people increase damage via weaponry skill somehow. I totally ruined it for them and am refunding the lessons :(

    Gotta fess up when I'm wrong, hah
  • edited July 2021
    Why are we the only IRE game so prudish when it comes to nipple rings? We are told that it shouldn't even be in the appearance when the other games have nipple worn locations. 
  • AxiusAxius where I am
    Ayastia said:

    Why are we the only IRE game so prudish when it comes to nipple rings? We are told that it shouldn't even be in the appearance when the other games have nipple worn locations. 

    I know for a fact Lusternia has it. I had a jeweller there at one point a few years back, and it was literally one of the more popular things there. For everyone. And it allowed for an enchantment slot there too.
  • LinLin Blackbird The Moonglade
    It seems weird that you're not allowed to craft them, but no one will care if you take regular piercings, attire them to show up in the right spot, and show up to global events with them there and visible.

    source: been doing it for years baby boy
  • TetchtaTetchta The Innocent
    Yeah I'm not sure nipple rings violates the PG-13 ratings.

  • PG-13 my ass. We have working brothels in aetolia. Lol. And I know Lin. I just find it weird that the stance is not to mention them as nipple rings at all. 

    I'm pretty sure it doesn't really change anything, but ALL MY MATH IS OFF. ALL OF IT.
  • Ayastia said:

    Why are we the only IRE game so prudish when it comes to nipple rings? We are told that it shouldn't even be in the appearance when the other games have nipple worn locations. 

    To be honest, I don't get the issue behind not allowing them. We have literal brothels in Aetolia (and not even just one, but a few), so like.. this weird double standard is sorta baffling.

    Tell me how I'm doing!
    (Web): Mileta says, "Okay... Sry is an edgelord..."

    (Web): Dreww says, "Sryaen just wants to be the best Dhar boi and slaughter everyone."
  •    12353  Elene        5/22/2021 
     (To Becue): It doesn't really mean much to me, as per Design 29399 (i.e nipple piercings) but what is the ruling
    then, on things like thongs and g-strings being allowed through? Those are clearly not PG-13 either, because...
    they do exactly what nipple piercings do, except they parade around as 'underwear'.

    I recall that I did message Becue before about it, but I never got an answer back about it. It does feel like a bit of a double standard to allow brothels and things like the above mentioned, but not actually allow 'nipple rings'. I do understand you can attire it to be on nipples without actually mentioning it on appearance, but like.. I guess nipple is a sensitive word?
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