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Mirror classes



  • LinLin Blackbird The Moonglade
    It may be because we spend several thousand dollars on it
  • edited December 2020
    I think we're laboring under the perception that salt is going to stop even when things are symmetricly balanced via mirrors.

    People complained in an event that allowed you to opt out. People will find ways to do mental gymnastics to justify hating on something, even when they have access to it, simply because they don't like the person who used it on them or they lost to it.

    I've said this before, but mirrors aren't going to solve this problem. Might curtail it maybe, but it'll still be around.
  • I think most of us have admitted that it's not going to magically remove the salt, but lessen it.
    Copperhead of the Third Spoke says to you, "Intelligence matrix in moniker Bulrok reveals above average results when compared alongside proximal presence."
  • RijettaRijetta Nowhere Important
    I know they're not ready yet but I just want to declare how ungodly excited I am for the promised spoilers. Even a nugget. Hoo boy I want these mirrors so bad. I have been hyping myself up about coding a new class for days. I'm putting "Zealot" in my letter to Santa, who is real and do not @ me if you are a dirty non-believer.
    A low, sultry voice resounds within the depths of your mind, "I look forward to seeing your descent."
  • RijettaRijetta Nowhere Important
    You know what would really distract me from the terror and anguish of only having one classlead report?

    Some mirror spoilers :D
    A low, sultry voice resounds within the depths of your mind, "I look forward to seeing your descent."
  • TiurTiur Producer
    Okay okay, I'll pause my current task and get to this today. Some teasing, the tallies on the thread, etc.
  • TiurTiur Producer
    Alright, I'm not tallying atm because I switched to coding. BUT, here are the skillsets I'm currently working on. Well, me coding, and my wonderful volunteers making pretty. Because me no always wordify gud.







  • Airship!?
  • TekiasTekias Wisconsin
    Aet is a magical world...we know were-unicorns are still in the code...*GASP* FRIENDSHIP IS MAGIC
    Formerly: Spiegel. Eidycue.


  • RijettaRijetta Nowhere Important
    Tiur said:
    Alright, I'm not tallying atm because I switched to coding. BUT, here are the skillsets I'm currently working on. Well, me coding, and my wonderful volunteers making pretty. Because me no always wordify gud.
    This is more than I expected and everything I wanted. I'm satiated. Thanks.
    A low, sultry voice resounds within the depths of your mind, "I look forward to seeing your descent."
  • Where's all the crazy speculation?! Alright, I'll go first.

    I think it's a distant possibility Syssin are getting a mirror now, but I'll tell you my wild, very optimistic guess anyways:


    The Syssin, lorewise, are one of the oldest established Guilds around, having been founded in the Ankyrean era. Their ancestors are very important to them. It's heavily implied that Syssin either: 1) don't go to the Underhalls, staying trapped somewhere on Sapience or some other place (check the skill WARDING, as well as guild lore) OR 2) have some power to exert and project their wills beyond the Underhalls.

    With this in mind, it's possible to assume that instead of an angel, a Syssin could summon an ancestor, an elder ghost of a Syssin to fight alongside of them. That's right. I'm guessing syssinLuminary. This would replace Spirituality.


    This would be about communing with those ancestors, paying tribute to them and continuing to uphold the traditions. This would replace Righteousness, and serve as syssinLumi's offensive set; they pay communion to their ancestors by shedding the blood of their enemies.


    Yeah that's right. Tiur redacted the word KIN specifically to screw with us. It's not a dead giveaway at all, he just wanted to make us paranoid. Kinship would replace Devotion. The Syssin would use their raw, magical willpower to place oaths within a room that would bestow positive effects on their allies, or negative effects on their enemies.

    Okay. Yeah. It's ridiculous and unlikely. Sue me!
  • BraxBrax Immortal
    edited December 2020
    Rijetta said:

    Wait until you get to hear about...

  • Brax said:

    Wait until you get to hear about...

    Yeah, me and Ra'ah had a rockin' idea but it was deemed too much work for Right This Minute. ;)
    She/her but also responds to they/them thanks to chilling as Somebody or other.

    If in doubt, please refer to the Forum Rules! If in more doubt, please reach out to a moderator.

    Act as you would wish to be treated.

    "It costs you nothing to assume that we are acting in good faith."
  • Oh? We speculating still?

    With this new batch of information, Riving sounds like Dhuriv -- and the opposite with Ancestry, Communion, etc. sounds like Sentinel, as Sentinels have hardcore ancestor worship/ties baked into their lore.

    So I'm thinking with that information, Archivists are getting Riving, Chirography, and Manifestation. Riving sounds like a Dhuriv parallel. Chirography is probably magical traps and what not. Manifestation is probably their ents.

    Sentinels will be getting spirit!Archivist to have a more lore-focused class in their ranks, which is really nice for them honestly and fits them fairly well.
  • RijettaRijetta Nowhere Important
    I agree with Nisavi.

    Riving - dhuriv
    Chirography - tracking ("I prepared exploding runes this morning" the skillset)
    Manifestation - woodlore (numerology/geometrics as critters)

    It is the Indiana Jones of the Archivium and I want it so bad.

    I disagree with Nisavi about what spirit is getting. I will keep that close to my chest.
    A low, sultry voice resounds within the depths of your mind, "I look forward to seeing your descent."
  • Rijetta said:

    I agree with Nisavi.

    Riving - dhuriv

    Chirography - tracking ("I prepared exploding runes this morning" the skillset)
    Manifestation - woodlore (numerology/geometrics as critters)

    It is the Indiana Jones of the Archivium and I want it so bad.

    I disagree with Nisavi about what spirit is getting. I will keep that close to my chest.

    This is how I now picture Saidenn. Thank you, @Rijetta.

  • Savas said:
    It's ridiculous and unlikely. Sue me!
    No more ridiculous than any other theory - and honestly I like this take on ShadowLumi much more than DaRk PriEsTs.

    (Un?)fortunately, with the right mix of creativity and paranoia it becomes easy to spin this set of names into a version of almost any class for either side - THIS IS ALMOST WORSE THAN KNOWING NOTHING AUGH.
  • LinLin Blackbird The Moonglade
    edited December 2020
    y'all got it so wrong with Chirography.

  • edited December 2020
    I pray that it is Archivist, but I really don't know at this point.

    The __manship hint is truly the most obfuscating of teasers, as Church said. My hat goes off to you, Tiur.

    (I do agree that it is shadow Sentinel tho)
  • TiurTiur Producer
  • Real talk I'm actually holding out hope that these are out of order and it's Chirography/Manifestation/Showmanship for a wacky version of Indorani that uses card tricks, illusions, and performance magic like a real-world magician. Obviously vivisect would be a good old-fashioned sawed-in-half gag but then you don't put them back together.
  • Is it.. INTERNSHIP?! It is isn't it! The new class is college student amirite???

    Okay serious guess. Is it.. worship?
  • ... okay but... pirate ship. It's actually pirates. I'm clearly right. You're welcome.
  • What if your guild gets the new class and you have no open class slots?
  • TiurTiur Producer
    I'll need to poke the class slot code a bit for cost reasons, but it's like the Zealots. You don't get both classes for being in the guild, the guild just has two entry classes.
  • edited December 2020

    I'm just frothing at the mouth over here. These teasers need MORE SPECULATION.


    (no one can convince me otherwise that the Revenants are going to be Spirit/Dhar related and the Wardens a Spines/Shadow based class)
  • Pretty sure revenants are going to be an archivist thing. Would be weird for a non-Spirean guild to get something that talks about Ankyreans and, the mention of 'precipice of sanity' immediately makes me think Archivist.
  • RijettaRijetta Nowhere Important
    I still want Revenant to be Sentinel in the Archivists but it's hard for me to reconcile Chirography. I could see it being Templar, Zealot, and Lumi too and that's giving me a lot of trouble.
    A low, sultry voice resounds within the depths of your mind, "I look forward to seeing your descent."
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