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Mirror Mirror, who can divine the future?

TiurTiur Producer
edited December 2020 in Harpy's Head Tavern
A Mirror Class is closer than you might think. I won't say who is working on it, or when, because those are secrets. Really, it's two because we can't unbalance things. Also, they'll be like the Illuminai/Zealot, the classes are added to an existing guild.


This is where you get to have some fun. Add your guesses here!

I've got two minipets, themed on the new classes. If you can accurately guess what class is being mirrored, and which guild is getting it, you get that class's minipet! If you can guess BOTH you get BOTH. (For example, I might guess: Monk mirror for the Indorani guild, and be very wrong)

I know this sounds random, but c'mon, it's been YEARS, you guys know me by this point. There will be a logical reason the classes were picked, where they're going, etc. I'm interested in hearing your reasoning because it might adjust what we do when you have a better idea than I did.

We'll use the most recent post by you as your guess. Two guild/class pairs per person only!

(The pets will go in the milestone shop after the release to give other ways of getting them. But true awesome players will gloat about using their deductive powers to earn them. Also I might give consolation minipets to people with eerily accurate details, while missing the actual win)


  • TetchtaTetchta The Innocent
    edited December 2020
    @Rijetta and @Mjoll will defecate bricks if it's luminary.

  • TetchtaTetchta The Innocent
    As for my actual guess, I'm going to go with Templars in the Syssin (even though I want it to be the Carnifex SO BADLY, but I have a feeling that it'll be something like 'Spinesreach needs a knight class' that justifies it), and...Teradrim in the Sentinels, because I'm feeling frisky.

  • Hmmm... I'm gonna go with Carnifex in the sentinels, likely for the same reasoning as Tetchta in that you won't be putting both knight classes in the same city, and luminary in the Carnifex maybe? No real reasoning behind that, to be honest.
  • Archivist (to make @Iesid jump over the moon) in the Shaman.

    Zealot in the Syssin.
  • I hope I'm wrong so that my friend gets a minipet and I get access to a cool class. My guesses, however, are more practical and based on modern concern from both tethers!

    Carnifex mirror in the Sentinels - that way, Spirit gets erode access.

    Sentinel mirror in the Syssin - that way, Shadow gets access to trap disarmament.
  • I'm gonna guess... Sciomancer mirror in the Shamans. Sciomancer seems like a popular class, and the shamans guild could use some attention, I think. I could also see a sciomancer themed class based around nature.

    I'm also pretty sure there will be a teradrim-esque class based around another element. So, if not sciomancer, I'm gonna bet there will be a teradrim mirror in the Shamans guild.
    [Insert annoying gif here]
  • mirrorVampire into templar, Aban's got more tricks to teach them, after all! And....mirrorSentinel into archivists. Final answer!
    Toz says, "Dishonor on you (Mjoll), dishonor on your family (Seirath), dishonor on your cow (Bulrok)"
  • PhoeneciaPhoenecia The Merchant of Esterport Somewhere in Attica
    Ascendril would probably end up getting a mirror of Indorani. Why? Shaman is already a class where you have to form pacts (kind of) on another plane, so it wouldn't make sense to double down on it. Ascendril, on the other hand...imagine making pacts with elemental beings. That'd be pretty cool. And it'd kind of reinforce the scholarly aspects of trying to further understanding of the planes. 

    For Shadow side, while Syssin getting a Templar mirror sounds awesome, I'm actually gonna say Syssin would get a mirror of Sentinel. Why? Resins, traps, and a lot of Sentinel skills seem very assassin-like. It allow Syssin to have more of an urban ranger aesthetic. As for the explanation for why they'd be able to call on the aid of animal companions or whatever their equivalent is? Allows you to have eyes and ears everywhere. What does it matter if they're animals? 

    ...also, I realize that statpack synergy doesn't really matter since if you look at how the Illuminai guild is, Luminary is a magic class, and Zealot is a physical one. Something to keep in mind! 

  • Phoenecia said:

    As for the explanation for why they'd be able to call on the aid of animal companions or whatever their equivalent is? Allows you to have eyes and ears everywhere. What does it matter if they're animals?

    It's different types of criminals from the Ironmaw forced to work off their sentence in combat.

  • edited December 2020
    Mirror Luminary for the Teradrim

    Mirror Praenomen for the Templars

    (I'm hoping for Mirror Zealot for the Sciomancers. ONWARD SHADOW-THEMED MONK)

    My logic is this: Luminary and Praenomen have historically, for the opposing tether, long had the finger pointed at them in terms of capabilities. The Teradrim are already a priesthood, and imbuing earth shenanigans into the Earth itself to achieve a desired effect is very Rites-ish and fitting for them. Not to mention, the guild could probably use a booster shot of activity. Maces are right up their alley in terms of weaponry too. It seems the easy choice. Beckon no longer gets complained about either.

    Praenomen is the one I'm a little bit hesitant on, but I suspect that they'd give the "opposite" class at the same time to avoid any potential issues. I think it will be Duamvi-themed in nature, but not go to the Illuminai since they already have 2 classes for right now. The Templars have a relationship with the Duamvi as well, and I feel like this sort of class would deal with allowing the Duamvi inside a greater "hold" during the symbiosis at the expense of needing to either banish the Shadow in others or "feed off of" others in some shape or form to sustain the fact that the Duamvi is taking a greater role inside of the character than they normally would.
  • MirrorTeradrim to Illuminai - Gonna be the odd man out and say Zealot instead of Luminary
    MirrorLuminary to Teradrim - Because I have been saying since Uthegen was a Luminary and the Teradrim were invented that they are darkie lumies.

  • LinLin Blackbird The Moonglade
    edited December 2020
    Mirror Sentinel for Syssin!

    Mirror Luminaries for Dominion!
  • HavenHaven World Burner Flight School
    Carnifex gets Templar and remains the "Knight" guild of shadowside and Templars obtain Carnifex. That's my guess.
    ¤ Si vis pacem, para bellum. ¤
    Someone powerful says, "We're going to have to delete you."
  • Haven said:

    Carnifex gets Templar and remains the "Knight" guild of shadowside and Templars obtain Carnifex. That's my guess.

    low hanging fruit

  • Syssin and Sentaari seem like the best fits for the guilds for these to land in, since both of their identities are built around classes that have since become neutral and their home organizations both have 3 native classes compared to the 4 of their counterpart cities.

    As for the actual classes? There have been some good arguments here already (carni/sent to fix perceived problems seems smart) but frankly I hope it's Sentaari Sciomancers and Syssin Ascendril.
  • edited December 2020
    Stine said:

    It's different types of criminals from the Ironmaw forced to work off their sentence in combat.

    As Warden of the Ironmaw, I did not approve this early commuted sentence deal. THE LAW IS THE LAW.

    Edit: Also, I sincerely hope (and doubt) it doesn't turn into a case of simple stuff like Sciomancers get Mirror Ascendril or Shamans get Mirror Teradrim. That'd be really boring and not thematically make sense for some of them. Sciomancers, after all, completely abandoned all of the other elements. While it makes sense for the Ascendril to get Mirror Sciomancer that reflects around wielding Spirit, it doesn't for Sciomancer in terms of wielding the other elements again re: Elemancy. I would see us having Shadow Zealot to have greater control over the Shadow element via Mirror Purification.
  • edited December 2020

    The Syssin are doing OK activity-wise, but as @Church said, these Guilds' identities are based around classes that are already widely available on both ends of the fence. I think the Sentaari aren't doing so well on activity, but I could be wrong.

    As for what class I'd like to see in the Syssin?

    I'm going to guess Zealot for the Syssin, branded as dirty-fighting brawlers.

    My second guess would be Sentinel, as I do not really see any other class being fluffed to fit the Guild's aesthetic.
  • SaritaSarita Empress of Bahir'an The Pillars of the Earth
    I have no idea how all the mechanics work in terms of saying "this class is aff based vs AoE vs whatever" so my guesses are going to be based on other random things!

    #1. MirrorIndorani to Sentaari. That Chak/Omei divided realm thing just feels like such an obvious RP thing, and Sentaari are currently a neutral class guild. Omei's stuff doesn't make as much sense in Enorian, and Shamans/Sentinels already have stuff with loyal mobs.

    #2. MirrorZealot to Teradrim. Undead and Duamvi subraces both have skills/sanction stuff that goes along with their current class skills, and IMO, it makes sense to try and keep the RP of Ivoln undeath/Duamvi in their current guilds since players have already mostly accepted that. Mapping the vampire race to the Spirit side feels like it's something that will take a LOT more work than Ivoln undead.
  • Illuminai get...praenomen, and we're going to be ghastly creatures infused with the light who need to absorb the shadow from everyone else to both keep us grounded in Sapience and also purge the darkness from everyone else.

    I don't know any other classes so uh. The Gullseyes will also get praenomen, because of a vampire squid attack gone wrong.
  • HavenHaven World Burner Flight School
    Nisavi said:

    As Warden of the Ironmaw, I did not approve this early commuted sentence deal. THE LAW IS THE LAW.

    Edit: Also, I sincerely hope (and doubt) it doesn't turn into a case of simple stuff like Sciomancers get Mirror Ascendril or Shamans get Mirror Teradrim. That'd be really boring and not thematically make sense for some of them. Sciomancers, after all, completely abandoned all of the other elements. While it makes sense for the Ascendril to get Mirror Sciomancer that reflects around wielding Spirit, it doesn't for Sciomancer in terms of wielding the other elements again re: Elemancy. I would see us having Shadow Zealot to have greater control over the Shadow element via Mirror Purification.
    Ascendril going to Sciomancers wouldn't have to be elemental mages at all. They could be opening up shadow chakra or blood magic or maybe they used augmentations and clockworks or laser guns. There's a plethora of themes that could be tossed atop the mechanics to match Sciomancers.
    ¤ Si vis pacem, para bellum. ¤
    Someone powerful says, "We're going to have to delete you."
  • SibattiSibatti Mamba dur Naya Amidst vibrant flora and trees
    Gonna go with Sciomancer for Shamans. I could see some minor nuance of Dendara fluctuating and making itself known to Sapience. Having Shaman master an element of Spirit (mirror to Shadow) as channeled through it would be fun.

    Shadelings could be the Dendara spirit-beast equivalent. Having Shamans control the elements also tracks, being that elements and nature are tied together naturally.

    Some of the more out-there elements of the Gravitation skillsets could tie into opening up direct portals to Dendara and projecting astral visions onto their victims, which would be HELLA COOL.
  • Shaman mirror in the Sciomancer Guild.

    Vampire to the Templar Guild.

    Idk i'm literally just making it up as I go.
    "And finally, swear to Me: You will give your life to Dendara for you are Tiarna an-Kiar."
  • RijettaRijetta Nowhere Important
    Sibatti said:

    Some of the more out-there elements of the Gravitation skillsets could tie into opening up direct portals to Dendara and projecting astral visions onto their victims, which would be HELLA COOL.

    Gravitation Reverse as a whirlwind that slams all the ents in the room around.
    A low, sultry voice resounds within the depths of your mind, "I look forward to seeing your descent."
  • I'm going to say... 
    Luminary for Carnifex 
    Teradrim for Shaman? (Assuming the Teradrim guild folds)
  • A lot of people are thinking teradrim for shaman, but I can't see them putting those two in the same guild any more than I can see them putting templar and carnifex together. It just doesn't make as much sense as fitting it into the other city.
  • PhoeneciaPhoenecia The Merchant of Esterport Somewhere in Attica
    Jhura said:

    A lot of people are thinking teradrim for shaman, but I can't see them putting those two in the same guild any more than I can see them putting templar and carnifex together. It just doesn't make as much sense as fitting it into the other city.

    The thing to keep in mind is that the mirror classes are going to get reflavored. So if Teradrim were to go to the Shamans (I don't think it would since you'd have a really redundant mechanic in the whole sand/overgrowth thing), it'd be reskinned as something like primal forest warriors with a treant or durdali in place of a golem.
  • edited December 2020
    I think the point is that Jhura doesn't see a narrative interest in putting the same type of class together in the guild. Teradrim and Shaman are both area control kits. Pass on giving them to Duiran. Give the Teradrim mirror to Enorian.

    edit: And the Shaman mirror to Spinesreach.
  • Exactly. I know that it's going to be reskinned, and there are plenty of ways it COULD be reskinned to fit the shaman, but what would be the point? It makes much more sense for it to be reskinned and fit into Enorian, who lack any native class with the same kind of room/area control.
  • TiurTiur Producer
    Yes, do keep in mind that say... Ascendril wouldn't necessarily have a mirror that uses elements. As long as it needs to have three resources that are kept and disrupted exactly the same as channels, it's the 'same'. Those resources could be local supplies of ketchup, mustard, and mayo for a hamburgermancer. Or vim, vigor, and moxy for ADHD Knight.
  • RijettaRijetta Nowhere Important
    edited December 2020
    I'm just gonna guess what I want and not what I think will happen so that admins will take my ideas and say, wow, good idea rij!

    Ascendril in fex

    Edit: I forgot to guess what spirit is getting. It's praenomen in templars
    A low, sultry voice resounds within the depths of your mind, "I look forward to seeing your descent."
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