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Doctor... who? Penguin MD

Hello everyone!

Since there's a good chance all us will have this amazingly adorable Penguin minipet, I was wondering what everyone named theirs! We had this really fun conversation in Sideline about this and I wanted to have it again with everyone!

I'll go first, I named mine: Sawbones. ^_^

Also, feel free to list any other minipets you've named that you'd like to share. I think it's a wonderful part of the game.


  • i'm ashamed to admit that i still haven't named mine. if hawa's other two pets are any indication, though, the name will be a blatant DBZ reference.
    (Congregation): Iosyne says, "I made a cup."

    Horkval are a feature...
  • edited May 2020
    My little penguin friend is, "Noot"

  • Hippocrates.

    Big name for a small penguin. o:)
    Some lovely images of Rebra by @Konnorn, Acaisha Buffo, and @Eleanor respectively!

    Rebra chibi
    Callidora and Rebra
  • PhoeneciaPhoenecia The Merchant of Esterport Somewhere in Attica
    I have quite a few minipets, and I've tried to be cute or clever with the names. Among my favourites... 

    Plague doctor penguin: Poveglia. Poveglia is the name of an island in Italy that housed victims of the Plague, and is rumored to be haunted...yeah, I kind of got morbid with that one. 

    An animated hemlock shrub: Socrates. The Greek philosopher, Socrates, was executed by drinking hemlock.

    A bevy of bees: Buzby. Buzz buzz. I have them tag along whenever Phoe is wearing her bee dress.

    A bone-clad haunt: Mumbo-jumbo. Eekum bokum! It's a hovering tiki mask, so I had to name him after the witch doctor in Banjo Kazooie.

    A dapper tea-service turtle: Tortimer. Named after a villager in Animal Crossing.

    A golden arm: Midas. Kiiind of obvious where I grabbed the name from. King Midas!

    A horde of baby chicks: Chicklets. I love these little guys to death. They're so cute, they're my favorite pet to use for making deliveries.

    A sickly green fungal spore: Barf. It makes fart noises!

    A tiny pet rock: Slag. The pet you can make deliver things by hurling it at people. 

    A walking scarecrow: Fiddlesticks. CAWCAWCAW. 

  • Chad.
  • I named my penguin Jeff as a tribute to a friend who helped me gain a whole lot of confidence a few years back. Jeff is awesome, he deserves a plague doctore penguin.
  • TiurTiur Producer
    I am Producer Tiur, and this is my favorite thread in the forum.
  • I'm still trying to gather minipets and I'm really tempted to exchange gold keystones for them!

    Here are some more names!

    I named my huntsman spider... Softshoe.

    The golden arm... Lefty.

    And my pastel yellow Taerilan hatchling... Sunbeam.
  • PhoeneciaPhoenecia The Merchant of Esterport Somewhere in Attica
    This should totally be a thread about all things minipet. Minipet Menagerie! 
  • oh, i have a cluster of spider legs that i named Handsy, which makes me giggle a bunch
    (Congregation): Iosyne says, "I made a cup."

    Horkval are a feature...
  • I named one of my spiders Hansey!
  • I have the following named ones:

    Bubbles - an iron-clawed crab, which was a gift from @Tekias
    Gildibrand - a gold bug
    Macademia - a tuft-eared squirrel I got in a quest
    Anatoly - my glass froggo I got during frog-mageddon
    Riblet - my adorable bamathis boar piglet
    Noot - my sweet little bb plague doctor pengu

    These are all basically my favorite minipets aside from my Cabalist Gremlin, who I would probably name a curse word if allowed.
  • not a minipet, but i named my grotesque bloodeye widow mount Dunglicker

    gotta make sure those eight-legged degenerates remember who's boss
    (Congregation): Iosyne says, "I made a cup."

    Horkval are a feature...

    My penguin has the MOST ILLUSTRIOUS name. A name so GRAND and MAJESTIC your minds can't comprehend it.

    Are you prepared? I don't think so.

    ... His name is Waldorf

  • edited May 2020
    Sadly, I can't afford a plague doctor but I DO have minipets on this char!

    Sadly part 2, Blanche sucks at naming things.

    ETA- Someone (I DUNNO WHO) got me a penguin and now I have to think of a name for IT... that'll prob be it's name. Anyways, thank you whoever that was <3

  • A penguin plague doctor will now be named 'Lunacorn'.
  • Done! An enormously fat rabbit will now be named 'Gnocchi'.
  • MacavityMacavity Chicago, Il
    I named one of mine Chillie yeah I am not original at all!
    “Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot,
    Nothing is going to get better. It's not.” 
    ― Dr. Seuss, The Lorax

    Veritas says, "Sorry for breaking your system Macavity."
    Veritas says, "My boss fights crash Macavity's computer now."
  • I have a Moth... named Boll.
  • Done! A tiny whale swimming inside a globe will now be named 'Blubber'.
  • I've only named one. 
    A blood coated fox. Carnifox. 
  • TiurTiur Producer
    Ayastia said:

    I've only named one. 

    A blood coated fox. Carnifox. 
    I officially love Carnifox.
  • AloliAloli Between Books
    I think Carnifox is brilliant!

    I have a few favorites:

    an oversized jumping spider - Itse
    Imp-in-a-box - Djak
    a black kitten - Spook
    a dancing blade - Sharp
    a dapper tea-service turtle - Elbert
    a gentlemanly monkey - Marven
    goggle-bearing hound - Mauss
    a luminous firefly - Navi
    one-eyed dog - Olie
    pompadour-crested duck - Moby
    walking scarecrow - Stix
    a sprightly grig - Scire (I don't know why it's Scire, I was just sad I couldn't name it Jiminy)
    Between what is said and not meant, and what is meant and not said, most of love is lost. - Khalil Gibran
  • I wish I could customize more of my minipets cause that was a real blast. Here are some of my favorites.
    heavy-bottomed silver grey tengu - Tippy
    nervous dusky purple drakir hatchling - Tiny
    poofy, beige jackalope kit - Tom
    tiny, white baby bat - Oogi
  • AxiusAxius where I am
    I haven't named all of mine -yet-. I'm steadily working on it. Some of these have in-jokes tied to 'em, most don't. Most are my attempts (and failures) at being clever. Still, here are the ones I've named with help of friends, my own lack of clever wit, and an in-joke for one or two of 'em!

    Baby bat - Mini
    Diminutive Splitmaw - Arsepotato
    green blob- Blobbicus
    Nine-tailed fox of flames - cahrinna
    Numerologist's gremlin - Crunch
    obsidian Chaos hound - Intrepid
    snowshoe hare adorned with bells - Kamivala
    tiny pet rock - rockly
    undersized bubonis - anguish
    vampire batling - Nibbley
  • AloliAloli Between Books
    Sessizlik said:
    I wish I could customize more of my minipets cause that was a real blast. 
    Wow. I didn't know they were customizable in the past. 
    Between what is said and not meant, and what is meant and not said, most of love is lost. - Khalil Gibran
  • PhoeneciaPhoenecia The Merchant of Esterport Somewhere in Attica
    Minipets used to be customizable up until minipet racetracks became a thing. Since then, you're not able to customizer minipets at all. 
  • Phoenecia said:

    Minipets used to be customizable up until minipet racetracks became a thing. Since then, you're not able to customizer minipets at all. 

    That really sucks. I thought it just got more expensive after you weren't allowed to use the customization certificates anymore. But you really can't at all? Bummer! Makes all my special ones even more special!
  • Tiur said:
    I officially love Carnifox.
    The system won't actually let me officially name it that so that's just how I refer to it. *hint hint nudge nudge*?
  • I have a few named minipets that I like!

    penguin plague doctor - Jekyl
    shifting, fiery salamander - Raavi
    simurgh hatchling - Raan
    winged tengu - Syff
    vibrant bird of paradise - Quetzl
    juvenile basilisk - Ouros
    fluffy, pastel purple Taerilan hatchling - Amaranth
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