Copperhead of the Third Spoke says to you, "Intelligence matrix in moniker Bulrok reveals above average results when compared alongside proximal presence."
I really miss the first Niuri's player. Wherever you are, I'm sending lots and lots of love, hugs, and kisses.
I also miss Serivalis and Thrasius, they were really good people. I wonder what happened to @Maldoror, @Damonicus, and Irawn, I miss those guys too. I know there were a lot of people who didn't like each other back then but I got along with practically anyone, so I very much miss the original House D'baen and Voltaire and all that great RP but I'm happy to have kept in touch with some people through the years after I had to quit the game for a few years. If you're from the original family, reach out and say hi!
From the Magi I miss the age of Acino and @Dexter (maybe not magi? can't remember where I met Dexter) and all that chaos. From the old Sentaari, the brief and enlightening conversations I had with some of these people were the kind of conversations that changed a kid's perspective on life. I'd have loved to have spent more time with Clearwater back then and talking with people like @Tessra and Indalecio. I wish I stuck around long enough to really get to know people like Gunshen because it was through him that I even knew monks were a thing and that there was life outside the Consanguine and the war with Enorian and those pesky priests like Daskalos.
I miss Alexina, Saga, and Mephiston too! The world did really tremble when he shouted "Silence!"
There are a few names from back in the days that had a great impact on my gaming experience. Some I'm still connected with, but if Paladin-era Pjoll and Vector are around, I wouldn't mind a chat.
I mostly lurk in Discord and occasionally on Aetolia (perma-phase), but I miss y'all quite a bit. Would love to reconnect with anyone who wants to (Discord: Kranzl #6473)!
Aetolia: Soramizu, Kaedrasha MKO: Firieth, Sevlani The Inquisition Legacy: Lynis
To rekindle the nostalgia, some (not all!) of the OGs that I miss and have lost contact with:
DaskalosCredit Whore ExtraordinareRolling amongst piles of credits.
I was Qwilleran on Achaea. Also hi. Back to sleep now.
Message #17059 Sent By: Oleis Received On: 1/03/2014/17:24 "If it makes you feel better, just checking your artifact list threatens to crash my mudlet."
Well I was 100% a different person back then, than I am now so I think I will keep my history to myself for those who don't already know it. Though some of these are shockers I can't say I every particularly hated any one though.
Oh I know who... Theragil? Or some T name... they wrote the original midwifery book, but they were always so immersed in the rp I just loved to be around them. ^_^
Oh I know who... Theragil? Or some T name... they wrote the original midwifery book, but they were always so immersed in the rp I just loved to be around them. ^_^
Hello everyone! This thread was forwarded to me by a friend.
(Wild that after all these years, I still remembered my forum password lol)
I am Sryaen (and at one time, Omei), credit whore, guild hopper, mid level PKer, RP nerd, and I gotta say I miss y'all.
I'm friends with a few of y'all on Facebook, so it's been nice to see people grow in their own personal lives. BUT, the good old days. I guess naming names, I miss Elene, Atrapoema and Missari, Ashmer, Prism, Anfini, Macha, Lexen, Hadoryu, Mazzion, Benedicto (love you brobro), Kadvar, Ecikoria, Sibatti (I still think about "I've got 50 chickens, mfer" to this day), Seir, Tralendar, Ianus, Arbre, Aithene, Matadartice (you little PK punk), Desian, Moirean, Ezrax, Rosalind, Argo, Xavin..
I can't think of any more right now but if I do, I'll definitely give a shout-out!
Hello everyone! This thread was forwarded to me by a friend.
(Wild that after all these years, I still remembered my forum password lol)
I am Sryaen (and at one time, Omei), credit whore, guild hopper, mid level PKer, RP nerd, and I gotta say I miss y'all.
I'm friends with a few of y'all on Facebook, so it's been nice to see people grow in their own personal lives. BUT, the good old days. I guess naming names, I miss Elene, Atrapoema and Missari, Ashmer, Prism, Anfini, Macha, Lexen, Hadoryu, Mazzion, Benedicto (love you brobro), Kadvar, Ecikoria, Sibatti (I still think about "I've got 50 chickens, mfer" to this day), Seir, Tralendar, Ianus, Arbre, Aithene, Matadartice (you little PK punk), Desian, Moirean, Ezrax, Rosalind, Argo, Xavin..
I can't think of any more right now but if I do, I'll definitely give a shout-out!
Peace ❤
Aww, I miss you too, buddy! Best protege ever. We are Facebook friends but nothing quite compares to the good old roleplay days. Come back if you ever decide you have time away from life to spare, no pressure.
SibattiMamba dur NayaAmidst vibrant flora and trees
Hello everyone! This thread was forwarded to me by a friend.
(Wild that after all these years, I still remembered my forum password lol)
I am Sryaen (and at one time, Omei), credit whore, guild hopper, mid level PKer, RP nerd, and I gotta say I miss y'all.
I'm friends with a few of y'all on Facebook, so it's been nice to see people grow in their own personal lives. BUT, the good old days. I guess naming names, I miss Elene, Atrapoema and Missari, Ashmer, Prism, Anfini, Macha, Lexen, Hadoryu, Mazzion, Benedicto (love you brobro), Kadvar, Ecikoria, Sibatti (I still think about "I've got 50 chickens, mfer" to this day), Seir, Tralendar, Ianus, Arbre, Aithene, Matadartice (you little PK punk), Desian, Moirean, Ezrax, Rosalind, Argo, Xavin..
I can't think of any more right now but if I do, I'll definitely give a shout-out!
Peace ❤
Miss ya bud! (and still remember that one crazy party in KC). I've got 50 unicorns'ing chickens waiting for you if you ever pop back into Esterport (Delos).
Hello everyone! This thread was forwarded to me by a friend.
(Wild that after all these years, I still remembered my forum password lol)
I am Sryaen (and at one time, Omei), credit whore, guild hopper, mid level PKer, RP nerd, and I gotta say I miss y'all.
I'm friends with a few of y'all on Facebook, so it's been nice to see people grow in their own personal lives. BUT, the good old days. I guess naming names, I miss Elene, Atrapoema and Missari, Ashmer, Prism, Anfini, Macha, Lexen, Hadoryu, Mazzion, Benedicto (love you brobro), Kadvar, Ecikoria, Sibatti (I still think about "I've got 50 chickens, mfer" to this day), Seir, Tralendar, Ianus, Arbre, Aithene, Matadartice (you little PK punk), Desian, Moirean, Ezrax, Rosalind, Argo, Xavin..
I can't think of any more right now but if I do, I'll definitely give a shout-out!
How about that, huh?
I also miss Serivalis and Thrasius, they were really good people. I wonder what happened to @Maldoror, @Damonicus, and Irawn, I miss those guys too. I know there were a lot of people who didn't like each other back then but I got along with practically anyone, so I very much miss the original House D'baen and Voltaire and all that great RP but I'm happy to have kept in touch with some people through the years after I had to quit the game for a few years. If you're from the original family, reach out and say hi!
From the Magi I miss the age of Acino and @Dexter (maybe not magi? can't remember where I met Dexter) and all that chaos. From the old Sentaari, the brief and enlightening conversations I had with some of these people were the kind of conversations that changed a kid's perspective on life. I'd have loved to have spent more time with Clearwater back then and talking with people like @Tessra and Indalecio. I wish I stuck around long enough to really get to know people like Gunshen because it was through him that I even knew monks were a thing and that there was life outside the Consanguine and the war with Enorian and those pesky priests like Daskalos.
I miss Alexina, Saga, and Mephiston too! The world did really tremble when he shouted "Silence!"
Aetolia: Soramizu, Kaedrasha
MKO: Firieth, Sevlani
The Inquisition Legacy: Lynis
To rekindle the nostalgia, some (not all!) of the OGs that I miss and have lost contact with:
Aetolia. Calikura, Kadvar, Keshena, Tenedos, Inasnum, Seth.
MKO. Grin!
Uhh Aetolia: Aishia
Lusternia: Triana, Kelysa, Kaete
Imperian: Zaithia
Rurthina's fun!
Probably listening to this.
Message #17059 Sent By: Oleis Received On: 1/03/2014/17:24
"If it makes you feel better, just checking your artifact list threatens to crash my mudlet."
OH and...
(Feel free to PM me if you don’t want to come out publicly
I don’t think these people play anymore
Nervous sweats all up in here.
Well, I am obviously Tenshyo.
But in days long, long passed I was Seifer, the Paladin. I was also Sorvence, the Atabahi.
Plz no kill, am just a birb!!
Theragil? Or some T name... they wrote the original midwifery book, but they were always so immersed in the rp I just loved to be around them. ^_^
(Wild that after all these years, I still remembered my forum password lol)
I am Sryaen (and at one time, Omei), credit whore, guild hopper, mid level PKer, RP nerd, and I gotta say I miss y'all.
I'm friends with a few of y'all on Facebook, so it's been nice to see people grow in their own personal lives. BUT, the good old days. I guess naming names, I miss Elene, Atrapoema and Missari, Ashmer, Prism, Anfini, Macha, Lexen, Hadoryu, Mazzion, Benedicto (love you brobro), Kadvar, Ecikoria, Sibatti (I still think about "I've got 50 chickens, mfer" to this day), Seir, Tralendar, Ianus, Arbre, Aithene, Matadartice (you little PK punk), Desian, Moirean, Ezrax, Rosalind, Argo, Xavin..
I can't think of any more right now but if I do, I'll definitely give a shout-out!
Peace ❤
Tell me how I'm doing!