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Artifact ideas



  • So I can truly tell someone to go eat fertilizer!
  • edited August 2019
    Artifact name : Green Thumb

    Cost : 400 credits (falls in line with other crafting artifacts)

    Action: Allows the farmer to yield double the amount harvested. (Which will allow for yielding double produced). This will be better than the fertilizer since the fertilizer is only a chance to yield more.

    Products will still grow at the same rate, just yield more.

    Second idea!

    Artifact name: Watering Can

    Cost: 400 credits

    Action: Will allow your plants to grow at a faster rate.
  • an enigmatic atlas
    atlas (Artifact #25)
    This artifact adds a line to SURVEY that informs you what percentage of the local area you have explored.
    Can this say total rooms found and total rooms in the area instead of flat %?

    Currently, You have explored 29% of this area. Would rather see, You have explored 18 of the 124 locations in this area.
    Avatar by TastyArts
    Probably listening to this.
  • A super expensive OP artifact that lets you hold and use light and dark classes! (Think of the RP!)
  • AxiusAxius where I am
    Artifact name: Seed safe box

    Cost: 400 credits

    Action: Functions exactly like the ironwood smokebox, except instead of keeping cigars from decaying, it keeps sacks of seeds from decaying. Useful for when you get a merchant selling seeds that should've been planted in Khepary but he didn't SHOW UP until Lleian. The jerk.

    Caveat: Would ideally look at dropping the price, but instead making it like the shed item for the farm, where you sacrifice a place to plant on your farmland in order to properly store the seeds.

    I just bought Godstongue and Zhikta from a merchant. He didn't tell me jack squat on how long the Zhikta takes to grow.. but Godstongue should've been planted early in the summer he says. This annoys me because it's Lleian right -now-. It's not even MIDSUMMER.
  • edited November 2019
    Artifact Name: Venantium Keystone
    Cost: 100 cr or 50 iron coins

    Action: Provides one additional Daily, Weekly, and Monthly milestone task. They refresh normally Daily/Weekly/Monthly and pull from the same randomized tasks. These exist independent of the normal tasks (i.e. Weekly are not required for the 3 Weekly Monthly task; Daily does not count got the 4 Daily Weekly task). Rewards are the same, keystones of the appropriate kind.

    Could add new rewards for purchase:
    * Bronze for a small prize bag.
    * Silver for a medium prize bag.
    * Gold for a large prize bag.
    Could provide a free daily reroll every day.
    Could provide a weekly reroll once a month.
    Didi has expressed her esteem of you for the following reason: Smart organized leader.
    Experience Gained: 47720 (Special) [total: 2933660]
    Needed for LVL: 122.00775356245
  • Can we get artifact customization runes for armour, with worn/removed messages that also fire when attire conceal/revealing the item they're attached to? Would love to have armour with some magical flavour.
  • Level 2 Atlas

    When you survey an area it will show you any areas that are connected to the one you're standing in so long as you've already 'discovered' them. Example:

    You discern that you are standing in Stormcaller Crag.
    Your environment conforms to that of Constructed underground.
    You stand upon the Continent of Sapience.
    You are in the Prime Material Plane.
    You have explored 71% of this area.

    From your Atlas, you see that the Western Tundra is nearby.
    Copperhead of the Third Spoke says to you, "Intelligence matrix in moniker Bulrok reveals above average results when compared alongside proximal presence."
  • TiurTiur Producer
    Bulrok said:

    Level 2 Atlas

    When you survey an area it will show you any areas that are connected to the one you're standing in so long as you've already 'discovered' them. Example:

    You discern that you are standing in Stormcaller Crag.
    Your environment conforms to that of Constructed underground.
    You stand upon the Continent of Sapience.
    You are in the Prime Material Plane.
    You have explored 71% of this area.

    From your Atlas, you see that the Western Tundra is nearby.

    That's cool. Will look at the difficulty, but initial thought is not so bad.
  • RijettaRijetta Nowhere Important
    Customizable shadeling
    A low, sultry voice resounds within the depths of your mind, "I look forward to seeing your descent."
  • AishiaAishia Queen Bee
    Some sort of relic piece pack that holds infinite relic pieces.
  • Rijetta said:

    Customizable shadeling

    Customizable efreeti while we're at it.

  • AishiaAishia Queen Bee
    edited January 2020
    Sharedflight: Lets followers/ents stay with you when you're flying as long as they keep following you. or like windstream might be a good name too idk.
  • edited February 2020
    I don't think anything like this is possible now, but if it is... Neat, tell me how!

    Artifact name: Haven Doorbell
    Cost: 100 iron coin
    Use: DROP DOORBELL in your Haven. Only you may pick it up. The doorbell is also visible whenever your body is and anyone may RING DOORBELL. This tells the Haven owner, who may INVITE <whoever> TO HAVEN, which magically transports them to the doorbell in their Haven!

    The Haven owner may also. INVITE ALL, which would be like an open house.

    No clue if this fits the lore around Havens, but it seemed like a fun idea while I was brainstorming iron coin artifacts.
    Didi has expressed her esteem of you for the following reason: Smart organized leader.
    Experience Gained: 47720 (Special) [total: 2933660]
    Needed for LVL: 122.00775356245
  • TeaniTeani Shadow Mistress Sweden
    I thought havens were supposed to be more of a mind palace thing, and I still find it sort of odd that people can be invited into your head. On the other hand, you're able to add enchantment rooms and other things, meaning you can go into your mind palace and come out with physical items, which also seems very weird. Havens in general are short of strange.

    With that said, just speaking in the room of a shell will alert the person in the haven of someone's presence, so no real need for a doorbell for that effect. As to inviting people in? Exit haven, have them follow, return to haven doesn't take that long, I think?

  • Teani said:

    As to inviting people in? Exit haven, have them follow, return to haven doesn't take that long, I think?

    You're not wrong, but all that is a hassle, even if it's quick. I just think offering a way to do all this smoothly would be fun for plenty of folks. And, since it's mostly a flavor functionality, I thought it'd be a good iron coin artifact.
    Didi has expressed her esteem of you for the following reason: Smart organized leader.
    Experience Gained: 47720 (Special) [total: 2933660]
    Needed for LVL: 122.00775356245
  • Seurimas said:
    You're not wrong, but all that is a hassle, even if it's quick. I just think offering a way to do all this smoothly would be fun for plenty of folks. And, since it's mostly a flavor functionality, I thought it'd be a good iron coin artifact.
    I'd buy it but as Teani pointed out, since the same effect can be achieved without an arti I'd expect the price to be pretty low. 
  • Maybe instead of iron coins, something to use those pesky haven points on that tend to just build up
  • ArbreArbre Arbrelina Jolie Braavos
    ADD the use to the perfumery station (perfumery_boon) that it holds AND PRESERVES baseoils and the accouterments like reeds, butter, and beeswax. Make those items cost a bit more if you want in return. I just hate having to run to Kald every time I want to make something.
  • BenedictoBenedicto Tentacles Errywhere!
    A change to the way in which resistances can be applied to shields. Either allow them to be stacked on one shield (not multiple of one resist, but be able to have fire, cold, electric (if you so want). OR a new artifact that is more expensive that allows an individual to change the resist on their shield on a cool down. Once per howling or something.
  • edited May 2020
    An inexpensive consumable Artifact that allows any item to be 'WORN'. I leave pricing up to the Pools who know the numbers.

    Suggestion: a venantium bale and chain set
    Now you can show off your favourite trinkets with ease. Simply APPLY BALE TO [item] to allow it to be worn!

    This would give a lot more value to certain crafted items, like Dolls, and a great thing to burn credits on. I know I would buy a lot of them if it wasn't too expensive.
  • ZailaZaila Pacific Time
    I'm now imagining all the things people would be seen wearing.

    Zaila gonna walk around Esterport wearing a 2-story pipe organ. somehow
  • TekiasTekias Wisconsin
    edited May 2020
    (Pipes wrapped and molded improbably around her body) a 20 foot pipe organ
    Formerly: Spiegel. Eidycue.


  • Artifact #255
    Item: a golden bracelet of sustenance
    Price: 550cr
    Power: sustenance
    This artifact power can be added to other items.
    This artifact power must be worn to work.
    Obviates the wearer's need for food and sleep.

    As far as I can tell this artifact is basically useless currently. It took me about a week to get to level 80 where food and sleep are completely irrelevant. My suggestion is change the artifact to make the wearer always be at fully satiated/rested as well as introduce a bonus for being fully rested (maybe an END bonus?). So you could be always eating and sleeping to get the bonuses for free, or purchase the artifact to always have an XP and END bonus.
  • RihrinRihrin Duiran
    Alix said:

    As far as I can tell this artifact is basically useless currently. It took me about a week to get to level 80 where food and sleep are completely irrelevant. My suggestion is change the artifact to make the wearer always be at fully satiated/rested as well as introduce a bonus for being fully rested (maybe an END bonus?). So you could be always eating and sleeping to get the bonuses for free, or purchase the artifact to always have an XP and END bonus.
    You get an xp bonus for being fully satiated. Plus, there are some downsides to not being fully fed/rested that affect you even past 80, besides just general combat things. So, this helps you keep ontop of these. Getting to level 80 just makes it so you won't DIE from it, necessarily, besides in combat-related situations where you're vomiting a lot.
  • Venantium Impaling Spear: Allows you to SPEAR IMPALE <player's body> for those individuals who deserve more than just a simple head piking.
  • RhyotRhyot Bloodloch
    Drystin said:
    Venantium Impaling Spear: Allows you to SPEAR IMPALE <player's body> for those individuals who deserve more than just a simple head piking.
    My name is Vlad the Impaler from Walachia...

    And I approve of this message.

  • A tonguelash relic to eat flies.

    asking for a friend....

  • I recently went skipping merrily as is my way to Esterport to buy a perma-flame tattoo when I realized that its not available in the perma-tattoo shop. As you can imagine, this took the merry bounce out of my wholesome step temporarily. Could we get flame tattoo added to the shop as an option?
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