So, my sister just got out of the Marine Corps after five years. She decided not to go career, but she is going to Embry-Riddle in about three months. Didn't get any pictures of her, but what I did get pictures of is the six week old puppy she brought home with her. She's a German Shepherd mix. If I'm idling in game, she's probably the reason. So, without further ado, meet Ellie:
EDIT: Dropped the 's' at the end of 'Corps' where it belongs. I don't know how I missed that.
So, it's been four years. My sister has since moved out of state, but she's visiting for Thanksgiving. Guess who I'm dogsitting?
I got to hang out with my nephew last night. We read two books. Colors, and Santa Comes To Texas. For the second book, there was a drawing of the Alamo on one picture, and my nephew (who's name is Davey *David*), got all excited and tapped it with his finger, exclaiming "The Alamo! What happened to Davey Crocket?". I exercised my privileges as coolest Uncle and gave my own recount of the incident - "Well boy...he died there, but he took a whole bunch of Santa Anna's men with him, and his friend David Bowie got two shots off from each of his pistols, and stabbed a third one until he got overwhelmed and bayoneted to death."
This is normally a dry lake bed in the summer but in the winter it's like this. Because we have our own machine shop we put a metal sheet to look like a fin and on the other side put another to look like the loch ness monster!
Decided to pull out my brushes and acryllics, along with an empty canvas. Inspired by legend Bob Ross, here's what I managed to accomplish this evening:
Now with Tani! This is the picture collection I mentioned. It makes me smile while I’m at my full-time job and also constantly makes me think about Aetolia.
Thank you to the artists that have helped grow it so far.
Strangely enough, my head is HOTTER than usual, and it's been super cold.
Always interested in knowing how I'm doing!
"Don't talk to me or my son or my wife ever again" ~ Odysseus
Just a normal night in Texas on Christmas Eve.
(Redondo Beach)
(Paid a visit to Sunflower Farms Nursery and got to meet the resident cats)
(The murky view from Hollywood Mountain
(Nanananananana batman batcave)
(Illuminai): Saltz says, "Moxie is just doing the Moxie thing to do, often misinterpreted."
(Tells): Sir Iames Gallant, the Executioner tells you, "The one Illuminai beyond prayer, I swear."
Valingar: "How could a daughter of me, the most noble man in the south, be so heartless?"
(Tells): Haven Locke, Illuminai Khimaira tells you, "Be that as it may, I've also seen the strength in you. You can take care of yourself."
I love the cats!!
(Illuminai): Saltz says, "Moxie is just doing the Moxie thing to do, often misinterpreted."
(Tells): Sir Iames Gallant, the Executioner tells you, "The one Illuminai beyond prayer, I swear."
Valingar: "How could a daughter of me, the most noble man in the south, be so heartless?"
(Tells): Haven Locke, Illuminai Khimaira tells you, "Be that as it may, I've also seen the strength in you. You can take care of yourself."
I had to do a field inspection of one of the antennas at work, it was snowing.
Last one.
This is normally a dry lake bed in the summer but in the winter it's like this. Because we have our own machine shop we put a metal sheet to look like a fin and on the other side put another to look like the loch ness monster!
Day 2
Day 3
I watched the sunset almost every night at the ocean front, but caught it on video this once.
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Thank you to the artists that have helped grow it so far.
Coming in from the parking lot.
Some possible farm/garden decor options for our froggo mage @Oonagh
Fezzix upon his nautical throne
Likewise, Sabella on her My Little Pony Unicorn throne
Kanivara upon her steampunk throne
Tekias usurping Kani's throne
We know Tanixalthas is a blue/white dragon, but we had to make do with a red.
Throwing a Praadi Witch into a witch's cauldron
Kanivara warding off said witch
Gonna need someone to design this medallion for Tekias ingame. Made via 150 lbs weight dropped onto bronze coin at 9 feet.
And then the storm came.
But, the storms let up and we found someone who is a tri-trans Zealot with some Syssin skill with a whip.
And a lovely sunset on the drive back.