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  • Pet peeve, my progress on my village house that is actually a giant public Bamathis temple is slow. Each room must be PERFECT just like my Wardad. Rage.
  • Pet peeve, my progress on my village house that is actually a giant public Bamathis temple is slow. Each room must be PERFECT just like my Wardad. Rage.
  • I'm going to be on, so if you've ever desired to comment on my extreme ogre magnetism. Now is your chance.
  • Hey there, I'll keep this short. (Yes I mean it this time.)

    1: omg people are talking about me when I'm not even here, I'm so popular! I will be accepting expressions of adoration through donations of grimstim pills, chocolates, phoenix h…
  • Ok. My second post was intended as my last post here, but I feel like people keep misrepresenting me. I'm going to tell everyone first and foremost, if I do a thing, I'll own up to it. IE yep, I have defile aura a lot. However, and this is something…
  • I just want to respond to a few things here in Cz's post.

    1: I'm not going to waste a whole lot of time on this, but I think the claim that I "only attack inexperienced people and avoid experienced combatants" is super disingenuous. I may…
  • Hello,

    I figured I would post here in conjunction with what Elene said, and shed a bit more light on the situation from another angle.

    This may be something of an assumption on my part, but considering the bashing and aggressio…
  • This is going to be an unpopular opinion, probably, but I feel like a few things need to be said.

    1: There is no precedent, and should never be a precedent imo, for a system remaining in a way that is detremental to the game simply so ano…