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  • ...I am just going to step in here and say that the "Syssin" did not make this decision. I don't feel the need to air any other dirty laundry of the Guild beside that.

    However, in defense of the players, after the "plan" was executed and …
  • First, I'm just going to give a shout-out to the Syssin. Many of you don't deserve the shade and I love you lots and always. …            </div>
            <div class= in A Goodbye Comment by Faerah March 2018
  • I just want to say that @Sessizlik kicked ASS with the commission she did for me. If any of you need an artist who is quick, thoughtful, and easy to work with con…
  • Me! At work. Being bored.

  • Being able to help your loved ones succeed has to be the most rewarding feeling ever! Thanks for sharing your story, @Buford. in LOVE Comment by Faerah February 2017
  • Incentive: I am willing to pay 200 credits (or RL cash of lesser value, maybe $35?) for a completed piece, but there is a hard deadline of 2/15 by noon EST. Let me know!
  • (Quote) "Gambling" only requires an uncertain outcome from an investment made. That's the difference between "gambling" and "purchasing." If you purchase something, you know with certainty what you are getting for your investment. If I go to the s…
  • (Quote) I <3 you too, Kelli bb.
    in LOVE Comment by Faerah January 2017
  • What about another idea entirely for city defense that will permit raids, but also limit the length of them in a mechanical matter -

    Make a defense system that city members keep charged via quests and the like that, when activated, slowly…
  • (Quote) I think, in a game like Aetolia where the story is basically whatever the Administration wants it to be, most anything could theoretically "work." It's more a matter of what the Administration believes is best for the game moving forward, …
  • (Quote) I would wager a guess that the answer to "but who cares?" is... "Many people who play this game."

    Ultimately, to answer your question personally... This is an issue I care about because I have seen a lot of people leave the game…
  • (Quote) It's pretty hard to offend me because I don't take argument and disagreement personally and don't internalize the opinions of people who have no bearing on my life. People are going to disagree... Sometimes passionately. Such is life.
  • I am not saying that conflicts planned with parameters to make sure no one feels slighted, occasionally, can work. I just don't think it's sustainable and it certainly cannot make up for actual game-generated or spontaneous player-driven conflict in…
  • (Quote) Aetolia is a multiplayer, conflict driven, multi-user dungeon. Therefore, I don't think it's crazy to suggest that people be ready for conflict upon logging in. Not that they should be regularly logging into raid situations... Of course no…
  • (Quote) What if the people are just unreasonable and just don't want any conflict? Or, at the very most, don't want conflict that they know they can't/won't win? What happens to the game then? Is it even worth playing? What about the people who st…
  • @Haven -

    ...That actually brings to mind a question...

    What about the "consent" that is implicit in playing a character in a City …
  • (Quote) In practice, this is unrealistic and untenable with the player base we presently have. The players whine enough when they end up on the losing side of Admin-driven conflict, being on the losing side of Player-driven conflict just wrecks th…
  • (Quote) In leading the Syssin, I developed the largest, most active Guild in game at one point. It was filled with people who wanted to do something and had nothing to do. A lot of them started getting bored and finding other games to enter…
  • Please don't mistake my aggressive tone for anything other than me sometimes being unable to turn the lawyer off when I get home from work. I am not easily offended... Just easily driven to argue with people. *cough*
  • (Quote) This is really expecting way too much out of people who already spend a rather large bulk of their time enhancing other player's playing experiences. Also, I don't know what meetings you go to, but the RL org meetings *I* go to have people…
  • @Mariena - I really like the Neutrogena makeup remover I linked above. I have tried others (notably Mary Kay's and Sephora's) and I just did not feel that they did …
  • I don't wear a ton of makeup daily (typically only eyeliner), but my go-tos when I decide to put forth the effort are:

    Urban De…
  • I have to respectfully take issue with the idea that homogeny is a bad thing in an organization. I'm sure that's not a surprise to anyone, since I led the Syssin for like 2 RL years, but I think that homogeny has a lot of strong 'pros' most of which…
  • Guilds have always been incredibly appealing to me.

    I enjoy the deep lore within them, the fact that they aren't super dependent on Admin participation (like Orders are), that they provide a constant source of camaraderie, and that they …
  • I'm going to echo the gratitude to @Razmael. Why not jump on the bandwagon of a good thing, yeah?

    But I also want to personally thank in Changing of the guard Comment by Faerah December 2016
  • I normally just message Becue when I have a concern with a comment made. I don't wait for it to be elevated to her. This has helped me multiple times and also prevents a lot of drama.
  • Faerah is very direct and terse. If she can say something in two words, she typically will. She's also rather dismissive of people, or notions she simply does not agree with. (If she respects someone, she'll typically hear them out, but that's a sho…
  • Can we also have a bass or double bass template for luthiers? I realize bass guitars are modern (1930s) but the actual bass/double bass has origins in the in Crafting Ideas Comment by Faerah August 2016
  • Mm. Thread necromancy.

    Can we please extend the time on hookahs? They go out so terribly quickly. Maybe make it have a set amount of puffs, or like, quadruple their current timer?

    It would also be nice to be able to PROBE a hoo…
  • Gonna necro this thread since shopkeeping is basically all I do in game now. Right now, if someone buys more than one of the same item from a design shelf, the shop log reads: