As much as I shouldn't be surprised at my age, but boooooooy I am with what I read in that illuminating truth within the log. Personally, I see no reason that this should not at all be posted as it clearly demonstrates the true colors that sparked t…
These are great ideas honestly and I would think these would welcome interesting changes in the dynamics and mechanics to have orrery events a great deal less boring or uneventful ninety percent of the time. It puts a mindset to me as "Let's lock th…
I'm just going to simply say that this is actually a -great- idea with having resets and maybe an unpopular idea, but I think this is actually neat in the long run.
You hit this one right on the nail. 90% of players tend to forget, confuse and assume that the character is the reflection of the player behind the character and that is something no one should -ever- stoop to. I know for example like, my …
It feels like that pretty much any time of the day, from my observance when I log on. To that end, this resonates to my agreement of the last sentence of your statement.