We are all responsible for the health and well-being of this game, whether or not we want to accept responsibility. We are the players involved, creating the stories and interacting and webbing it to… (View Post)
The racial riots in Enorian last time proved that the city (its NPCs and Adventurer Characters) is corrupt, selfish, petty, self-destructive and bigoted, and doesn't have a solid grasp on what Light … (View Post)
ANNOUNCE NEWS #2121Date: 4/28/2013 at 0:51From: TokTo : EveryoneSubj: Clothing and Emotes! Hello! We've got some changes to announce in regards to the way clothingnow works, along with a few other mi… (View Post)
The Shadow Mother isn't something you make a pact with, it's a dangerous being that can and has threatened even Severn, His domain being shadow. Arcanism sounds more robust than Pri… (View Post)