You could just do some postcards and do them up in photoshop/an image editor through It depends on how festive you want to make things and the volume of people involved. Most peop… (View Post)
Some check-and-balance system for declaring with registered reasoning, since war is a pretty significant thing and 'We're bored and want to kill everyone' will burn out the receiving orgs as they hav… (View Post)
Too dainty to be an Areka in disguise. Also not enough tusks. With girth and curve. Edit: Bashing class though, Templar (though it's the only class I seriously play). I'm also artifacted for it, but … (View Post)
@Rina - it has nothing to do with the guilds themselves, beyond letting members join in if they want to. There is zero requirement for anyone to join, only a request for guilds to not forbid/deter pe… (View Post)
It comes with the statpack stuff - when you reincarnate with transmutation it unsets all of your enhancements and augmetics so you can place them again. (View Post)