I don't have much input on most of this, but really, the 'coding isn't that hard' argument needs to stop or evolve. Treating it so flippantly/lightly is like saying learning another language isn't th… (View Post)
I feel like ya'll realllly don't grasp just what the darkie classes are nor lifer stance. Dhar would not be kosher with Carnifex training, the stealing of souls actively damages and bypasses his real… (View Post)
Re: Giftbag items Are the new things usable by someone else? I have two of the omnitrans pills that have Areka's mark on them, but would be ineffectual for her. Was thinking they could be a neat rewa… (View Post)
I had to replace my card today - bank didn't even call me to tell me about the fraud detection, I only found out calling in asking why I couldn't buy milk. Someone tried to buy $200ish hardware in me… (View Post)
Rp integrity sometimes DOES need to get bent, as an aside. Especially in leadership - sometimes we need to sacrifice a bit of our RP for the health of our communities (sometimes I feel I've done this… (View Post)