I should clarify, I'm not saying it wouldn't be a potentially upsetting or stressful situation for the guy. I mean unexpected pregnancies are, as a rule, generally unpleasant situations, even without the potential for dysphoria there. That said, ple…
There is so much variation in the human body, though, between the chromosomes typically associated with sex, various phenotypical presentations of genitalia (1 in 10 live births have genitalia not consistent with how we typically imagine "boys'" or …
That's not his body insisting anything - it's other people insisting on interpreting his body that way. Having a uterus is not the same thing as being a woman, and being pregnant does not somehow negate his maleness. Even if it does postpone his med…
Alright so it's almost 5am my time, and that means I just did a whole lot of rambling without getting to my actual point. What I'm saying is, the gender binary is socially constructed meaning that it is how we, and by 'we' I don't just mean individu…
I just want to point out an important distinction here: To recognize that something is socially constructed is not the same as saying it is fake or not real. Social realities are realities all the same.
I am all for making gender changes more accessible. I played Achaea back in '02 and had to scrap my old character because there was no way to change its pronouns. It's cool that there's an arte for that on here, but it also kind of sucks to have to …