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  • @Lin There's a pouch of divining bones sold by an NPC east of the core (to duiranites only), which works similar to an 8-ball.
  • (Quote) Yeah, I suppose I should have clarified that the idea wasn't really to make an RP clan. There seems to be little information like a newbie could find in typical GHELP files. So, having that available, especially since the class is availabl…
  • @Erzsebet Could it be as simple as xp bonuses?
  • (Quote) And the cult under Mournhold, while we're at it? Apologies to the old lady in the cave.

  • @Claito It depends on which defence it's trying to spam. Some can be set for the specific skill that you may have, and some you'd need to hide them in the code until…
  • This post is a good start. A lot of people use it, so you can generally get some help. Although it does lack in cabalist offense.
    in Systems Comment by Yero August 2016
  • @Jules I think the issue is that most people stay on forever through automation means (putting up chameleon, warmth, etc...). Timeout can only be set between 2 and 60…
    in AFK Comment by Yero August 2016
  • The guild is very, very quiet for sure. I love the class, though (duh). I don't really agree that you -need- the 850cr artifact...but if you do combat you'll definitively need enhanced_greenfoot or an infinite stockpile of red bull's eye, and that's…
  • @Jules the very worse I've seen in the recent past is a shaman sticking you with generosity (through a random uncontrollable loki) and getting a random item off you. …
  • @Radakail
    Check out Source 1.3 somewhere in the Tech Talk section. Even if you don't use it, you can get a lot of lines and it might help figure some things …
    1. a research society membership card lets you buy any of the amulets from your respective research vendor, regardless of the current choices. These amulets cannot leave your inventory, similar to letter satchel letters.
  • @Xandren: I live in an oven, and for some reasons the AC to my room seemed to have asthma. Fixed it, and now I'm freezing. Not sure where you're at but Facebook gre…
    in LOVE Comment by Yero July 2016
  • (Quote) Yeah, I can only find one instance of me sending 'fasten bit to crab'. Unfortunately, I didn't probe it afterwards. That was on 2015-10-25. All other searches to "to crab$" are me talking to it...
  • (Quote) @Razmael: I got a bunch of these lines on various mounts on lots of logs, if it helps.
                    in                     Short Questions
                    Comment by Yero
                    July 2016
  • (Quote) Also late, but sendGMCP("IRE.Rift.Request").
  • Terminus without anti-aliasing. Also this is my first post.

    in Preferred Font Comment by Yero July 2016