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  • Yeah, the alertness line really hasn't ever been touched by myself, it worked and has worked since well, uh, forever?, only briefly touched its function when the whole line wrap thing was changed so it wasn't stuck at 80.

    But as I posted …
  • Hey.

    So life happened, but peeking in from time to time now, and though I can't promise anything, but hopefully things will pan out so I can settle down and look at the mudbot code and fix whatever problems there are with it, but as said …
  • (Quote) That is normal behavior, right now MXP on aetolia will send a weird code to the client and mudbot/I_;Mapper, a fix is in process of being made.
  • of mudbot itself? I'm working with lanira to figure out the bugs in the latest version of imapper and mudbot.
    I am sorry for my absence of late, I have been very busy, and haven't really had time for much work on imapper and mudbot, but things s…
  • if you could write up a how to amara that would be great, haven't played around with it on linux so yeah.
  • generally you get that error, when mudbot is trying to pass things to the client too fast for the client to keep up. Depending on which client you use, you may want to look into how heavy your system is, cmud has a function: ctrl + q
    that gives …
  • hmm beneath should work, will look into it now that I'm back from holiday stuff.

    As for environment being shown after room/area names no not currently but I can add it as a toggle ability.
  • the ability to click the rooms and path to them is mxp. if MXP-Map is disabled this won't work, or if mxp is disabled in your clients, what clients do you use respectively? since it works for me in cmud.
  • looks like you forgot to save your config file, which is where, the various map config settings are stored.
  • A little idea, not sure if it is possible. However giving the client a button / toggle, option to log in directly to aetolia.com 23, or to attempt to log into mudbot via port 123

    just a thought
  • if you run those problems by me I'm sure we can solve them
    in Editor Woes Comment by Xon December 2012
  • I highly suggest you use the built in editor that mudbot has, rather then cmud editor. I have had troubles with cmud's editor as well.

    Simply type: `edit
    to get the editor window up for mudbot.
    in Editor Woes Comment by Xon December 2012
  • I've messaged you ingame, but it doesn't seem to be a cmud or client related issue but rather that your connection is booted by aetolia, try doing what I suggested via the msg
  • Yeah, I see your point, and yeah those races should be released if planned.
  • as I wrote on old forum, if interested in helping me with the latest version of mudbot and imapper, getting it tested thoroughly before release, send me a forum message. 

    If anyone did this on old forum send it again please.
  • bears would be bahkatu? perhaps? could you perhaps provide the url of the art? I can't seem to find anything that isn't there?
  • Update changelog will be uploaded to separate file for those interested
  • Sounds interesting. 

    Though I must admit I am a bit worried about the overlay modifications too