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  • I'm dedicating this to Xenia right now throughout this event.
  • I think just ylem elements such as being able to get orbs and amulets. Maybe there's a blackmarket in delve or something that allows people to go and turn their mists there and what's available is what's available based on whoever is using the black…
  • I think what is most interesting about this particular part of the lore is its existential nature of it. I think there are lots of ways to interpret it, ranging from free will equates to existence and purpose being cultivated by the character despit…
  • (Quote) Hey don't take it so bad. I've been pingponging between 134 and 135 since the Monument war -- most of it from getting killed in PK.
  • Life without Iosyne. Life without Chiav. I wish I had gotten more glimpses of your take on Chiav-Lena. I loved it for its world building potential and upon returning designed my character around taking everything to the Chiav extreme. In my head the…
    in Lena Comment by Xenia September 2022
  • Edit: I wrote someone else's affirmation here cus foruming is hard.
    in Xenia Comment by Xenia September 2022
  • I have no clue who Aros is but he's caught mine (and Xenia's) attention. Don't know what he's about but I applaud his scrappy manner and wanna see where the war aggression goes!
    in Aros Comment by Xenia September 2022
  • It’s been interesting watching Bulrok adapt with his leadership roles when suddenly they were thrust into the pressure cooker that was The End of the World. I think he accomplished a lot and earned a bit of seasoning as a leader. I’m really interest…
    in Bulrok Comment by Xenia September 2022
  • This is definitely a scorched earth moment for this character. I find myself reflecting on things and the role she played for Iosyne and her order. I'd love to hear feedback and thoughts from the playerbase as well.
    in Xenia Comment by Xenia September 2022
  • Life's been super busy and it's reduced the amount of time I've been able to play. The FOMO has been real. My love is for how vibrant and alive the game feels and that I find myself looking forward to seeing all the progress to the many sub-stories …
    in LOVE Comment by Xenia August 2022
  • Can't it be escaped to be colored?
  • If anyone has a copy of this, I'd love to get my hands on it!
  • I have to express my love for Duiran as an org and the solid RP choices they're making as an org. It's all too rare we see orgs and characters choose the options that are clearly mistakes, from an OOC standpoint, but are pivotal and necessary for te…
    in LOVE Comment by Xenia July 2022
  • But we just got swear words back!
    Instead of delete LOL we should provide a salty emote for the people who need to spread it.
  • OK, a real complaint: I find all those responses funny and want to LOL except I don't want to get lumped in with whoever uses LOL sarcastically. If Severn died, I wouldn't lose any sleep, I just think he has some cool story and lore.
  • It seems like there's still a lot of room for Severn's story and I'm not sure if killing him off would really do much justice to the lore and story that has been built up thus far. I think there's plenty of player agency to choose to move on from Se…
  • (Quote) In an event like this, I don't see why it's not okay to attack the people going after Severn's shrines. Are people issuing and playing rule lawyer to avoid story consequences and interactions in a Spinesreach vs. Duiran event?

  • I agree with a lot of what @Sryaen said. The points ended up not being fully balanced. There was a lot of freedom granted to everyone involved in planning out the ga…
  • It's possible! I never asked for that kind of assistance from the admin or volunteers. My goal had been to try and do something that was in the hands of the players as much as possible. That said we had ready support when it was requested and for th…
  • Yes, the Events was hard to properly advertise on a global scale. It did require working through other characters of every city to make happen. As a result IC reasonings for city leaders can sometimes jeopardize whether or not the EVENTS will make i…
  • Want to chime in on @Legyn's idea and add that after reading more on what's been said it's not the ministries I like and instead the fact that roles exist for non-cou…
  • Unpopularly I like the ministries because I see them as an opportunity for individuals to go through bursts of activity and make something unique out of them. It's rarely going to be something sustainable, but I think that's okay; there's something …
  • All the activity being rolled out for the game in cities and seeing the stories from the ripple effect.
    in LOVE Comment by Xenia April 2022
  • Having to remember everytime Ayastia posts anything in this thread:

  • My pet peeve:
    The eternal catch 22 that is being in shadow. Damned if we do. Damned if we don't.

    There is zero sportsmanship about any of the PK events outside of Sect. My experience in just about every event has been not syncing u…
  • All I can say is if one avenue of OOC discussion has been closed (like being blocked on Discord) it's usually an indication that there's not an interest to communicate at all. This should be a boundary that's respected rather than circumvented. Espe…
  • Way back under Oleis the push to force guilds to make up the majority (and at that time all) of its population residents of the guild's home city was part of a revamp around novices and the academy system. I wonder if this kind of change can happen…
  • I would love to see alternatives provided for characters that choose to exist outside of the primary conflict system, I've always thought this would enrich the stories in the game. I can see a creep issue of directional loss if too many characters a…
  • Imagine a future where IRE hires a psychologist to talk to their players suffering from their RP PTSD. Charge 500 credits for 30 minutes of time.