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  • Oh, this is amazing work, @Sessizlik! I can't wait to see what you do with Xan! @Da…
  • These are amazing! I'd definitely love to see what you do with Xan, since others have taken a crack at him before and now he's all 'Sentaari-y'

    He is an athletic Mhun. Like most of his Moghedu kin, he is diminutive in stature with a stock…
  • Xan's had some up and down (And Up and Down And Left And Right) lately. It's been immensely satisfying watching him ricochet from person to person as he digs in his heels and tries to figure out who in the hell he's supposed to be and what he's supp…
    in LOVE Comment by Xanchol January 2017
  • The corpse of a paradise bird turns and flutters away, quickly departing from the room.

    You blink.

    You blink vacantly, staring at nothing in particular.

    You say, "The FUCK."

    You say, "Was that."
  • Spines has a few. Inner Gate, obviously, the Grand Hallway, and there are a handful of few taverns people congregate in, though that takes some doing. Brass Monkey, Hound and Halberd, Tasting Room.

    Getting people together is never hard in…
  • Huh. She's interesting, really. In all honesty, Xan's first, real interaction with her occurred out of sheer dumb drinking. But every so often he seems to gravitate back to her. Their date in the Black Flagon was...interesting, too. Showed a side of…
  • I know I've been basically AWOL. It's cuz of the Holidays. Happy Hanukkah! Merry Christmas! Happy New Year! Happy Holidays! Hope everyone is having a wonderful time with friends, family and loved ones.
  • As a new player (And convert from MKO) I thought I'd provide my insight on the guilds as a point of comparison. In MKO, guilds were somewhat important, but you were far more limited in your array of choices, and it also came second. You got to pick …
  • @Teani Do you take commissions?
  • I have been visualized @Zaila all wrong. She's way, way more ice-queen than I thought.

    Here. Have a Mhun.

    in Drawings of Aetolia Comment by Xanchol December 2016
  • Eh, it's been a while.

    Many things to @Fezzix and @Atarah for being su…
  • I know its a bit late but much <3 to all the people who came out to the Bawdy Joke competition. It was fun to mee…
    in LOVE Comment by Xanchol November 2016
  • You're abhorrent and terribly boring.

    Hah. No. You're lovely, and its so great to see a fresh face pop up who is eager for interactions. You have this really fun and engaging blend of innocence and deviance that's, in the very short time …
    in Oisynne Comment by Xanchol November 2016
  • (Quote) I don't think this is necessarily a bad idea. IIRC, I believe one could in Midkemia, BLOODLINE SHOW VAMPIRIC and that would show like



  • (Quote) I see your frustration re: that point, but we shouldn't use a mechanic to 'correct' someone's RP. If someone plays as someone else's child, all I want to know is if that's true. The way I see it, BLOODLINE, BACKGROUND, and HISTORY are all …
  • @Teani Complicated code or no code, I definitely agree. Its a bit overwhelming, and terribly confusing, when you meet a new character, and you check their bloodline, …
  • (Quote) Just a few questions, since Luna is my favorite character and my SO has the perfect height/build to dress as her and I've always wanted to see her dress as Luna.

    - Where'd you get the wig?
    - Link to the instructions for the…
  • (Quote) I'm still having this issue @Volka, yeah. It's been an absolute PITA and prevented me from safely participating in the Great Hunt. in Project Source Support - Version 1.3 Comment by Xanchol October 2016
  • I'm trying to watch it with the SO, but that's proven difficult due to our scheduling. I've got the first 2 episodes in, and I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE the implications it makes about the human psyche vs. AI, and what humans of all walks of life ar…
  • Just some love to my school, since its such a chill place to have a first teaching job. We're super small, and we operate out of a larger, shared community building. During the 'summer' the AC was on full, industrial blast and my desk is right under…
    in LOVE Comment by Xanchol October 2016
  • Big ups to the most high.

    No, no. Thank you to the Spinesreach folk for being so welcoming. Its been a bit of an awkward shift but I wanted to get a bit grittier and explore a side of the game I knew I wouldn't otherwise encounter. Lots o…
    in LOVE Comment by Xanchol October 2016
  • (Quote) Yup, I did Setupfirstaid
  • So at someone's suggestion, I did a complete wipe, since @Zsadist's basher stopped working again (Sorry bro.). New Source download, new profile, entirely.
  • Hi! So, @Zsadist was kind enough to start to help me with this, but even his fix was a bandaid that kind of stopped working after a few hours. It seems that the bas…