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  • (Quote) there's no such thing as wasp territory, and as the dragon's law states, there is no dignity in lies.
  • sorry i know this isn't the point but

    Buzzing busily, a bee arrives from the west.

    Emir pulls a menacing flail from his weaponbelt fluidly in his right hand.
    Emir uses Terramancy Skullbash on a large, ye…
  • (Quote) confirmed, imvra aspires to cthulu-hood
  • (Quote) yes, he's quite zsadistic
  • (Quote) he also accepts payment in hugs
  • honestly, this is a great and really needed idea. sure, i understand not everything can be player-facing, but it needs to be documented and accessible by more than one person. people come and go - do we want everything to be lost because of a sudden…
  • (Quote) ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
  • (Quote) what if one of the GMs decides she wants to foment insurrection amongst the guards so that she can take over the city?

    ... asking for a friend... a hypothetical friend... i would never do this... not again, anyways...
  • howdy howdy howdy

    i don't know that i can answer *all* of these, but let me take a whack at a couple of them.

    1. What are the actual RP feels of Bloodloch, Carnifex, Templars, Zealots, the Mage guilds and Archivists? By feel…
  • (Quote) Market does exist, sure, but it's for thinly-veiled unicorns-talking

    (p.s. @Leana SCT is the sect channel)
  • number #1 (one) birb, would not fry in oil
    in Tenshyo Comment by Vyxsis May 2019
  • (Quote) true story, tens and i were playing HotS (and maybe warframe? i forget what else) for a while before i started playing aetolia... when i got into aetolia, i met tenshyo ICly relatively early, but... uh... i didn't realize he was the same p…
    in Tenshyo Comment by Vyxsis May 2019
  • (Quote) yeah, totes, and i appreciate that. i apologize, as well - i made a little edit at the end of my post, but so it's clearer, i should've finished reading the thread before writing a novel. if i had, i would've seen your previous post which …
  • (Quote) indorani did, as well. we had sub-ranks for progression, things that denoted whether a particular ritual has been undergone, achievement-based positions, etc. lots of stuff.

    we also had like 3-4 orgreqs that were approved but si…
  • (Quote) i just wanna say... this is cool as hell. i like this idea a lot.

    well, i also wanna say that a lot of people who want to keep guilds but don't think class should be tied to guild might actually like the 'house' syst…
  • - Consolidate into larger dual-orgs like Houses from Achaea
    Example: Illuminai
    Pros: Consolidated population, new overlap RP
    Cons: ...Houses 3.0, cities remain backdrop

  • At first glance, this mantis looks like a living flower, its body, limbs, and head shaped like the petals of a flower. The insect is a pale, snowy white in color that fades into a beautiful lavender with a touch of pink at its lim…
    in LOVE Comment by Vyxsis May 2019
  • i voted for a change because i was trying to see things from the perspective of people who own and love it, but honestly, i'd be super fine with it being deleted.

    i dislike both the hood and gem personally - both for the reasons stated ab…
  • @Corlin i think the important thing to note is that FA's effectiveness is largely based on how you configure it. it really is capable of curing pretty well, for the …
  • (Quote) to everyone? huh, i didn't know. duly noted, thanks.
    in Thank you! Comment by Vyxsis May 2019
  • a little on the late side, but better late than never(?)

    i'm aware the chaos war completely displaced a lot of plans from the moment it started back in october. there was a lot of scrambling at the time, and while it took some time to com…
    in Thank you! Comment by Vyxsis May 2019
  • (Quote) the indorani faction is still very much in its infancy, so i'm not sure whether or not i would endorse this. i think there's something to be said for player-run organizations, but perhaps the class-based guild is no longer the right model.…
  • (Quote) do shadow gods aside from ios and bama keep their people blessed a lot?

    i think those two may have the bulk of order members/congregants between them, but i don't think any of the others are handing out blessings all that often?…
  • i just wanna give a shout-out to @Iesid for generally being such a chill and reasonable fella. i appreciate that.
  • (Quote) this is a prime example of why opinion polls should be taken with a grain (or a whole bag?) of salt
  • indorani being A-tier is a laugh, especially for groups. i don't mean to say the class is bad, but with piss-poor curing and kill conditions you can see coming from 10 miles away... and syssin is S-tier, but luminary isn't? lmfa- er, well, anyways. …
  • (Quote) while we're at it, forging hammer should go, too, and with its effects folded into, idk, transcending the skill? so smiths can actually stock weapons... you know... that we need...
    in Venom rags Comment by Vyxsis May 2019
  • i just want to respond to one thread of conversation that's happening here regarding PK and leadership.

    i think i can say i'm a pretty decent PKer, and at the very least, it's something i enjoy about Aetolia. that said, i absolutely loath…
    in Dominion Comment by Vyxsis May 2019
  • i don't personally care *that much* about my venom rags being non-generic (although, if designed ones were available, i would certainly be more picky about which i bought), but i have to second this. venom rags are among the hardest things to find -…
    in Venom rags Comment by Vyxsis May 2019
  • (Quote) it shows as unsubmitted now... is2g it was submitted and approved. i could be conflating it with another (more reasonable, but not great) report which *is* archived, but i've got a super strong memory of seeing this one approved and despai…