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  • (Duiran): Brynn says, "Yanking the cooter right out."

  • (Quote) I think it's actually a bug with the bark fetish.  The bark fetish turns on and off as you continue to take damage, so that's probably why you were getting different audits.  But you are right about it not addin…
    in Audits Comment by Vinyarion May 2013
  • 15.7 SPAMMING
    Spamming, in the context of Aetolia, is the sending of repeated amount of
    unwanted text to someone for the purposes of harrassment. Doing this can have
    severe consequences, and the failure of someone to respond …
  • Killing three systems with spam has to be some sort of record.  Unfortunately for Xiuhcoatl one of those was his own, and he spammed himself until he died of voyria.
  • So in the recent Spinesreach bloodbath, this happened.

    For those who don't want to read the log, Xiuhcoatl s…
  • "flower201363"           a delicate grish flower.
    The delicacy of this blossom is accentuated by its unique coloration, with a 
    peach center that fades out into a pristine white at its edges. The flower 
    contains a latt…
    in LOVE Comment by Vinyarion April 2013
  • I love how generous some of you guys can be.  I know it's not a huge thing, but it's always nice when the player base is nice to each other.
    in LOVE Comment by Vinyarion April 2013
  • Resolved, you still your thoughts and bend your mind to the task of completing your hollow form. The essence within you roils as you ineptly attempt to manipulate it. Then, with horrifying suddennes…