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  • There's a reason we use words to describe styles in the real world.
  • Then it's alright if we style it appropriately? Would inventing new style names help? Aetolia does seem to love its made-up names for things.
  • Ooh? So we can have things that we develop using contextually appropriate skills, tools and materials? Time for SCIENCE!
  • Taste/Smell, in my mind, are samples of the flavours and aromas included in the dish, that you would use as samples before consuming the meal.

    If they were intended to carry the majority of the descriptive content for food interactions, …
  • Oh, no, I didn't read it that way @Aldric . I just took your response and addressed it in my own to assure you that any change wouldn't prevent you from doing that (…
  • The eaten 3p is the message shown to people watching you eat. If you'd prefer to leave that blank in favour of emoting every meal, it isn't mutually exclusive to have a more detailed eaten 1p, to give you the important information about the food you…
  • I really loathe the brief descriptions, because they contain only traces of what is actually trying to be expressed. To me, the brief description just looks like I couldn't be bothered to actually describe it.
  • I'm a new convert to Aetolia, and, I have to say, your crafting system is -amazing-. It's friendly, it's open, it's clear, and its adaptable. I have just one concern, which may well only apply to cooking - I don't feel that I can adequately describe…