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  • Endgame praenomen with crown is easily one of the top classes in the game for one v one. Without crown but with eq enhance its ok (I'd say much better off than a lot of other eq based classes). Without crown and enhance its fail. The only bad thing …
  • He was stunned. (Preemptive no linking of parot sketch request.)
  • Caveat: pre restoration will cure 33.33% if you're full health. The lower your health is, the less it will cure.
  • Draiman is super tough.

    A simulacrum of the Malevolent materializes, moving towards Draiman.
    Draiman says, "Oh boy."
    Draiman tilts his head curiously at a simulacrum of the Malevolent.
    A simulacrum of the Malevolent steps i…
  • A bit late, but maybe for next time: it'd be cool if the hunting damage boosting artefacts had their own category on the artefact cart. Might just be me, but they clutter up the skills category a lot and it makes it kind of hard to quickly find some…
  • touch locket
    You reach out and touch an entwined venantium locket.
    As you touch an entwined venantium locket it begins to glow softly, and you feel a tugging at your soul.
    H:6792/6792 M:4973/4973 E:27930 W:21431 Bl:0 db.|eb.
    You …
    in Owned Part II Comment by Varel July 2016
  • I thought you had me for sure.
    in Owned Part II Comment by Varel July 2016
  • I actually prefered the followup Mistborn trillogy a lot compared to the original - the writing is better, and I think because of the (arguably) narrower scope of the main characters unnatural abilities you get a lot less of the mechanics rehash. I …
  • At the bbt thing, I'm theorising here but I suspect it has a lot less to do with artifacts (although they're obviously going to play a fairly significant role in it) and more to do with the fact that those artifacts are stacked with significant s…