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  • As you know, I've not been all that active in the recent past, but this looks like everyone is up in arms over nothing.

    As a player, this should only come off as a minor annoyance (spam) since there is no lasting harm to your character or…
  • A faint echoing of "Kali Ma" echoes throughout the realm as Daskalos claims (target)'s heart.
  • Firing his laser, Daskalos melts (target).
  • (Quote) How so? The quake change? I'd gladly take tsunami over quake since you can use tsunami anywhere and quake is usable in maybe half the rooms in the game, though unstable is an environ you can use it in, so nice at lessers but not so great…
  • (Quote) I have never been undead...

  • I'd like to point out that resistance enchantments currently don't fade and last 45 months.  Please to be keeping it at 45 months...
  • Stargazer by Rainbow, nuff said. 

  • (Quote) Reinterpret or expand on it.  Gods are only supposed to be guiding organizations, not running it utterly.  They aren't their order, so not everyone should be held to strictly following Auresae's tenets.  They should be respected…
  • (Quote)
    It's easy really. You relax them. You can be an evil zealot, hell half of the ones around when I was more active were even if they never realized it.  It's the overall mission of the organization that is important, ho…
  • (Quote) That is a personal example and I've had many others close enough to such things (it was not a unique situation) and there were a few others involving other Ascendril farther back.  I'm not quite as ignorant as to how these thing…
  • But it is.  In one swell swoop the rat infestation of Enorian was solved after centuries of unsuccessful attempts and greatly altered the ecosystem of an entire area.  Idreth are no more impressive than the tekal/azudim/yeleni that were around in dr…
  • (Quote) If we're retroactively adding honours lines I still need one for solving Enorian's rat problem and filling the city with snakes.  Something that had a bit more impact on things than Idreth IMO.
  • I'll chime in here.

    Association laws/traditions are retarded.

    I've been against them for years because they just stifle things.  It's just less fun as you only interact with the people on your side of …
  • (Quote)
  • How?  I played BG when I was like 10 years old or so and never had issues with most of the game. 
  • Doesn't seem like that to me.  The slowdown is much more than what grace covers, but those powers shouldn't be giving passive negatives to enemies of the city regardless.  The benefits are really, really nice while the negatives just blow.
  • (Rank 4) Religion - Monuments.

    Monuments that belong to a God upon your city's advisory will grant the
    following bonuses to citizens in the area:
     - Endurance regeneration
     - Willpower re…
  • (Quote)
    You're saying that if I ran in and emoted smacking you with a stormhammer that sent you reeling to the ground with immense pain, you'd stick around vs. me just whacking you with the real thing?  Wouldn't your fight/fl…
  • I've picked up a few games so far this sale: XCOM, Antichamber, Swapper, Just Cause 2, and Don't Starve.  Waiting to see if Rogue Legacy goes cheaper in the sale or not as it's the only thing off the top of my head I want to get.  Of those, only pla…
  • @Arbre That's easy. Tral hated Xavin and wanted him gone.  You've seen Tral when he gets his mind set on something, he'll do everything he can to make it happen.  If …
  • I've stated it in the past, and I'll do so again.  I think one of the biggest issues with why we have association laws comes from admin enforcing a polarization in the game.  Any organization that has set out to become a grayer area has been squashe…
  • @Xavin I know it may not have been your intent, but it seems it was miscommunicated to Sess what would happen if she continued to do what she was doing both ICly and …
  • I was talking in general, not about any specific case, just using examples.  I also don't think that's the message you conveyed to Sess.  

    Here's the message I got from her:
       6188  Sessizlik    7/09/2013
  • You draw that line on a case by case basis.  You can't just put out blanket things because there's a million variables in any given situation.  Sometimes they're not always clear cut.  In generally you should be running around making love children w…
  • Association laws are retarded. It's one of the biggest reasons why I as a player left the lifers, was glad to leave the lifers, and don't have a large desire to return to the lifers.  I found them to be extremely annoying at an OOC level.  If I was …

    Race: Azudim

    Gender: Male

    Guild/House: Sciomancers

    City: Bloodloch

    Order: Iosyne


    Hair: black

    Eyes: completely blue-green

    Height: 6'8"


  • Yeah, so if a god could get me out of Time, that'd be great.  Been stuck here for like 20 minutes. Should allow messages/issues to be sent in time.
  • (Web): Ellenia says, "I am french."

    (Web): Ellenia says, "Of course I smell."
  • This just looks like something that'd be more annoying than anything else.  While it sounds cool, death is annoying because it forces you to go on a 2 minute break or whatever.  If I have to spend 5 minutes to get back out and play again, that's ann…
  • Being able to fold pearls into crystal/touch crystal would be fine for mages in another class, basically so you don't just leave a pile of pearls in the GH. Refine should require you to be in the class though.  For the most part, if skills like this…