While we don't actively watch/police/moderate webs, please issue (yourself if you want to keep it anonymous) if you notice hate speech in any form of in-game communication, even if OOC. There are lines that are not acceptable to cross in Aetolia.
That appears to be a hardcoded limit on instances. I'll see if we can get a solution in place, be it extending/removing the cap or a warning and return to your original rooms when nearing 4 hours.
You can now esteem your most recent partner. This will not use up your esteem charges and will be anonymous both ways. Unfortunately this isn't retroactive, so only applicable going forward. Probe your pendant to see how to…
As respectfully as I can say it, this is a level of paranoia that we can't really accommodate. There are many far more effective methods to accomplish character assassination and, given that in this particular mechanic it's both against the rules (i…
1. You can leave the session at any time. If something makes you uncomfortable, just leave. If something that breaks Aetolia's rules makes you uncomfortable, leave and issue. The results of issues are an entirely different mat…
1. Years of contemplation while in the Shame Tube.
2. I love the Alcazar. This place of just ridiculous, over-the-top decadence, all built/fueled through pure exploitation. Vampire RP has moved very far away from the original Ab…
2. Not twerk, but one time we were discussing quests and somehow the conversation turned to brainstorming a quest where you had to brush someone's back hair. And then we looked at the brush emote and it was all ew …
In all seriousness, in my opinion autonomy is good but only to a certain extent. You can't change the overall direction of the organization - Teradrim can't suddenly become treehuggers, for example. Y…
Personally, I will usually send an OOC message to someone before embarking on some really dark/twisted/consequential stuff. Like hey are you okay with this leaving potentially lasting consequences on your character? It might ruin immersion a bit on …
From my viewpoint (and I need to disclaim that this is just my viewpoint, not representative of all the Pools), players don't really take this sort of thing well. Creative punishments, even ones that are mechanically harmless, have a tende…