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  • So, I know I don't really come on here but I had to let you guys know:

    Just won a pub quiz, and one of the key questions was 'what is oneirophobia?' Spend ages racking my brains, then remember I'm in in LOVE Comment by Taras February 2017
  • You guys are flipping great! Thanks for arranging all this!
  • Came back after a long break and installed Mudlet and Entropy on my new computer. Nothing seems to be working defences wise - won't defup or recognise class. Health bars etc are permanently half full. Anyone got any ideas?
  • I got married last Saturday, so woop! Everything went smoothly, much jolliment was had, and my grandmother was discharged from hospital just in time to make it.

    Oh the flip side, I keep catching my ring on things, so I'm about ready for a…
    in LOVE Comment by Taras December 2014
  • @Ezalor‌ just made my figurative monocle fall out. 

    Also, I designed and built a shelving unit the other day! Me, the least practical person on E…
    in LOVE Comment by Taras November 2014
  • @Ishin, you're a damned genius! That seemed to fix everything.
  • @Gwenith‌ - No, relogging hasn't helped. Looking at the login trigger, it stops at the very beginning without fetching class or showing pipes etc., so mayb…
  • Logging in this morning, it seems that a few things have gone awry since last night - DEF doesn't appear to be tracking any of my defences, hence DEFUP doesn't work and mindseye doesn't trigger automatically upon login - I may have spent a couple of…
  • Character Name: Taras Du'Lunai


    Race: Puny hu-mon
    Gender: Male
    Guild/House: Templars
    City: Enorian
    Order: None, but Omei's Congregation.


    Hair: Red
    Eyes: Pal…
  • Thank you to everyone I've interacted with since coming back, but particularly @Urial, in Thank you! Comment by Taras October 2014
  • I always figured @Trager for a Nickelback man.
    in LOVE Comment by Taras October 2014
  • (Quote) That sucks, Moi. Are there particular points in your arms, legs and back where the pain is focused? It sounds like (without wanting to commit you to a false diagnosis) that it could be fibromyalgia.

    However, no amount of sympat…
  • (Quote) Goddamnit Bene.
  • Yeah, somehow I figured it out. Started working when I typed WHO, of all things.

    Really nice system now, thanks for all the hard work!
  • Geez, thank you! That's one of the things that's driving me nuts.

    The other thing is perhaps longer - let's imagine that someone, possibly called Taras, switched from zMUD to use this system. Let's further imagine he's an idiot. I've down…
  • It's fairly unavoidable using Latin when one of the guilds is a Latin term. I'm looking at you, Carnifex!
  • I love being back in the game. Taras is glad to be awake again and actually being proactive now. 

    Oh, and <3…            </div>
            <div class= in LOVE Comment by Taras January 2013
  • H:4906 M:3322 [d eb]
    Pentarch Alistaire Ridire says, "It still doesn't solve the large problem."
    H:4906 M:3322 [d eb]
    Pentarch Alistaire Ridire says, "For instance. Sir Taras."
    H:4906 M:3322 [d…