@Alexina I think the thing to point out, that has apparently been missed by so many, is that almost no one was against it getting tweaked. I wouldn't mind seeing it…
Part of the reason why I chose to settle into Aetolia was because of the ability to slowly generate gold and build up artefacts (via chests) without draining my wallet. Because to be 100% honest, I don't feel …
@Teani I just don't understand how that was supposed to be insightful? You admit you have 0 experience with the specifics that are being addressed, and if I'm being h…
I stand corrected, after further testing bleeding has no effect upon blood reserves. Apparently I was just young at the time and when leveling it just messed with the percents.
@Satomi Yes, I do believe that bleeding does marginally effect blood levels. I thought it was pretty neat when I found it out too (I think it was when I was first hu…
@Satomi While that is mostly true, the base vampire traits that were 'removed' are now the first ability in sanguis, and affinity also has a place in this discussion…
Also, +3 str is incorrect. I just delved to 1% blood and only recieved +2 str and -2 int. 30% will give you +1 str and -1 int I believe it was 20% gives you another +1/-1. So for +2 str you can have a 40% reduction in healing, regen…
Something to keep in mind. While the sip malus was removed*, we have something similar, if not worse, tied to blood. at 80% blood levels, you have the equivalent to a level 1 sip malus. While this does the same thing for every player, Prae use blood…
@Nalor I'm wearing a Tower Shield and Scale. I just barely achieved enough lessons to trans two of my class skills. (Thanks to a very lucky spider boots drop fr…
I'm a bit new to Aetolia, but so far I'm loving it here. I can tell that a fair bit of effort has gone into this rework, and it shows. I would like to make a few comments on the changes though. As a newer player, I don't feel comfortable enough to c…
Is there still a clan for fishing floating around? I'm just recently getting into it as a new player. I will say, the scroll is a bit lacking in information. It doesn't even mention who to turn the bucket in to, which took me a bit to figure ou…