So much beef. Inordinate quantities of beef. I will accept the blame as Straid notoriously does not chase people down. Character flaw. The scenes he has shared with Aya definitely piqued his interest, though. I've no doubt our charact…
Straid has a deep and abiding bromance for Iesid that he does his best to sit on. Their dynamic hasn't come near to being fleshed out, but the contrast of their interactions now versus the ones when my lad was a baby oneironaut dogging Iesid's heels…
Yeah, wow guys... This made me legitimately emotional. Thanks for the feelings. I am sad that Clovis and Straid never got to interact more. Unforgotten, nevertheless.
Very damned cool, you two. I love the use of thoughts and illusions. I have become shamelessly addicted to using oneiromancy to supplement emotes in my scenes and the illusions serving the same sort of purpose is inspired. Well done.
Oh my great gods... 😂 This just made my whole damned day! You guys are too much. That damned squirrel has taken on a life of his own in spite of me and I couldn't be more pleased and amused by it. He's not the ruler that Sapience deserves,…
I am long overdue in adding my voice to these multitudes. This is in large part due to the fact that I don't know what I could say here that hasn't already been said in the form of esteem. Nevertheless, Aolin more than deserves the formal shout out.…
Straid and Flinn have orbited one another but never really connected in any meaningful way. That is not a criticism, merely context. In truth it seems a natural state for their characters, given their demeanors and priorities.
I keep saying "kituna" out loud and snickering. My thanks for that.
Okay, this is admittedly a niche request based on story flavor, but I keep thinking that some form of wearable claws would be so cool. Maybe like gauntlets with cl…
The insight and advice in this thread so far is super valuable and I appreciate you guys for having this discussion. Much like Sek, I won't linger for RP that does not open up to me in some way. Sometimes, walking out on a scene can be more impactfu…
Siba is such a mystery to Straid. Not in a bad way. It's sort of like a delightful, mildly intimidating, alluring, wants to please you but also never ever wants to pester you sort of way. Haha.
Ugh, my heart. 😭 I told you guys to criticize me, not make me FEEL THINGS.
That said, your words really mean a lot to me as I have tremendous respect for all three of you as players, writers, and storytellers. I'm truly happy that S…
Straid's presence in Sapience now is entirely not the same as it was when I created this thread in a juvenile fit of curiosity. I thought I might give it a bump on hopes of receiving some feedback and constructive criticism. Or maybe even some quali…
Pieri is enchanting. She manages to come across as sincere and inexperienced in some things while maintaining an air of mystery and whispers of ridiculous potential.
There are a handful of beautiful souls who's interactions with Straid have created both a complex character and a place that feels alive and vibrant. I feel challenged and supported at every turn and have watched my character grow in marvelously une…