(Web): Iesid says, "(Except my drink goblin, he does)" (Web): You say, "Sid's coat is the gummi ship from kingdom hearts." (Web): Valeria says, from Albedos, "U don't have aliases that swap ur clothes??" (Web): You say, "Replacing pie…
I wish I could like, agree and insightful this part here.
I think there's a lot of space for guilds to play around in that isn't explored, for a variety of reasons, and perhaps some of it comes down to feeling like they aren't …
Guilds are outdated for the multiclassing system and aren't a focus of the game anymore ever since the administration decided to focus more on the city aspects. Doubtful anything will change.
If they abuse it, shrub their main character. Don't pussyfoot around with consequences and you won't run into that problem. If they do abuse it, enjoy your trip to the banhamas.
Yeah, so far I've got: They don't synchronize well enough They don't have the right people They don't have people in the right classes They don't all know how to code They don't know who is on what system They…
There are rooms in the refugee camp that are still connected to prime yet are unable to be explored. There's multiple examples of this around the game, usually having to do with events, but in this case the shops that default on taxes are still ther…
You don't need artifact casks to sell items, you can make your own or have a woodcrafter make you rundlets. You don't need to have scrollracks for shops, you can enchant and make the items and sell them directly. These are convenience purchases that…
Aetolia doesn't do anything strictly in terms of good vs evil, instead they've chosen to brand it as a light vs shadow. The admin have just begun the process of mirroring each class so that they each have a light and shadow version, but th…
Yesterday, Bamathis was namedropped like 100 times at the Spinesreach inner gate. Dick jokes about his spear, questions about the status and shape of his butt, the npc guards calling the girls perverts, it was a regular Spinesreach afternoon. <…
Bump. I know that in the 2020 manifesto there's big goals for January, but this event finished well over a month ago. Where we at with the rewards fam?
When mirrorclasses(tm) come out, will they be new entries on style scrolls or will having the base class unlocked grant the style for the mirrorclass as well?
You run a hand over the surface of a mirror of the unknown and gaze into its depths as its surface ripples in response. A necromantic laboratory. Madrak, Master of Necromancy stands shrouded in darkness. A sigil in the shape of a small,