21:35:35 Fezzix Sicarius's voice resonates across the land, "HEY! If the theme is "Triumph," just wheel me in there on a cart naked and artfully covered in sushi!"
21:35:56 Ser Kanivara Sor'Tirivan, Zedi Vovet's voice resonates acro…
I'm honestly rather fond of the interactions between Agothaxl and Stathan. He's, complicated. And even with the tether split going on when they talk, they've managed to maintain a friendship, if distant at times. They always seem to bump into each o…
Mildly irritating to be put in a situation for a character that is typically laid back and easy going to end up having to be a prick to someone they would rather not be a prick too.
Speaking with Vyxsis is generally an interesting task to undertake and she makes the little things amusing. The firepit was great as was the trip to Tanixalthas' temple. Little short pick up RP like that is great.
Paz makes -the best- cigars in the game. Bar none. No contest. Would take a Paz cigar over any others. He's also always awesome to talk to and interact with and oh hell the bunny horde.
I love @Omei so hard right now. It's good to see super Catmom back around and tending to her errant children. Little interactions, the amusing chatter and the whole "G…
I absolutely adore the RP with Teani. And learning Triptycha. Combos are evil. The back and forth is great, the interactions are fun as hell. It's the little interactions that make the RP better.
I did the math on my monk and for the investment and such Enhance2 > Con2 . Ended up getting more health. So I went Enhance2 and Sip2 and haven't regretted it.
Something I want to point because personally I deal with it -a lot-.
If you're trying to pull off a neutral angle, be fully aware that isn't a thing unless you are completely rogue. And even then, you will not be accepted everywhere beca…
I absolutely adore Tekias honestly. Had amusing interactions all around and he does a great job keeping a smirk going on my face no matter who I'm playing.
It's a blast to RP with Arista in the vast and varying forms we've come up with between her and Stathan and I always get a good chuckle or smile out of the back and forth. Such Sass! (in a good way)
Going to preface this with I spent around 5 years away and my combat experience since I've been back is basically exclusively Foci fighting. Depending on which character I'm on I either have aliases for combat or a janky outdated bassackw…
Artifacts that allow for gathering comms of different types. Once a howling thing, limited number to avoid overflow. Give people who can't afford to stay on 24/7 scalping comm shops a chance to build up their own stocks for skills.
1. I refuse to wear pink...anything. 2. This is -uh may zing- 3. JELLY SOAP!
It was really nice to get to see these as she was over there. She kept stopping in on discord and we'd have to chase her off to go have fun. It was nic…