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  • Amazing! I didn't realise that had been brought in. :smile:
    Yeah, I am not short of teachers, people have bee…
  • Yeah I like the idea of a newbie sparwho. When you say PK clan do you mean Sect of Blades Moirean?
  • Thanks - just got it downloaded (with a bit of help!) and am having a lot of fun playing around with it. Really appreciate the effort gone into putting this onto the forum, as I think it will really make a difference in helping me get to grips with …
    in Pk Comment by Sophastra April 2014
  • Does anyone know if Duckie is designed to be used in conjunction with firstaid or without?
    in Pk Comment by Sophastra April 2014
  • Thanks Periluna, I'm on it!
    in Pk Comment by Sophastra April 2014
  • Aha! Good to know....many thanks!
  • New here, so please bear with me....

    Is there a defence for mindlock? If so, is this not something one should have up anyway when wandering about the realm?
  • Thank you all so much for such quick and helpful responses! I have really appreciated all the help and support that I have had from Ishin and you all so far. It is evident that Aetolia is highly professional and well-run, which is a huge draw. On th…
    in Pk Comment by Sophastra April 2014
  • No idea how this became a main thread! Sorry!
    in Pk Comment by Sophastra April 2014