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  • Ah, I'm in Bloodloch. Checked CHELP but didn't see anything that immediately jumped out at me.

    Oh. Of course, it's the one that I looked at, seemed like it was something entirely different, and it was just one MORE away from the necessary…
    in Short Questions Comment by Sion May 2014
  • Sorry if I missed something incredibly obvious somewhere, but I've searched forums/announce news/help files for chest, ylem, orb, Parxian, etc. etc. and cannot find anything even mentioned about what these Parxian orbs do/how to use them, or what th…
    in Short Questions Comment by Sion May 2014
  • H:5968 M:4100 E:29400 W:21940 <csdb|eb lr> 100 0
    golem recover
    Mana Lost: 90
    You utter a word of command to your golem.
    A clay golem draws upon the power of Earth as it slowly recovers its wounds.
    Equilibrium Used: 2.5…
    in Owned Part II Comment by Sion May 2013
  • Having an invincible mount means that it will never leave your side and will always be available. I've not looked into PK bonuses for being mounted here, so I can't say if they're a significant boost, but an invincible pet will always have the advan…
    in Mount Killing Comment by Sion May 2013
  • Simplest method is to just have the mount shipped back to stable if it dies, rather than disappearing entirely.

    You can't fully expect 'Hey guys let's play fair it'd be great!' to work. It would be great, but it's just not feasible. Rando…
    in Mount Killing Comment by Sion May 2013
  • oh god what have I done

    (Web): Xenia says, "Guys summon Moi."
    H:5551 M:4166 E:25080 W:26145 <csdb|eb lr> 100 0
    (Web): Xenia says, "She's stuck underground."

    got an idea!

    Web): You say, "She's still st…
    in LOVE Comment by Sion May 2013
  • ugh, dude, chill.

    I was using sensitivity throughout the fight. I remembered a time where I used hamstring/hamstring/sensi right when y'all walked in on someone, I figured that BBT damage had to be a result of that. It was a guess, since …
  • (Quote) homie doesn't put relevant part of log in actual log, I make guess cause I was using sensi throughout fight
    show proof after saying I can't read when there wasn't anything to read
    is apparently proof I can't read
  • (Quote) you apparently don't know how skills work!
  • can you not edit posts? D:

    lycanthrope sensitivity goes through deafness
  • pretty sure I hit you with sensitivity directly before that
  • H:6527 M:6295 E:22465 W:26380 <csdb|eb lr> 100 0
    You bare your teeth and your claws lash out at Marcello Relovec.
    You nimbly smack into him with your paw, cuffing him.
    Damage done: 1088, blunt.
    Marcello Relovec throws his h…