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The highest spire in Spinesreach
Last Active
No Roles


  • @Kalak A chunk of the PvP community also like to throw epic tantrums and cry-baby brand Issues to the boss hogs whenever a kill is made outside of a PvP sanctioned ar…

  • Burned out in the break room. One of those days where I tick the minutes off until I clock out >_>
  • Ninjas and John Cena wish they had swag like me - I'm just a smug peacock is all. Just for you, @Axius

    in Post Your Pictures! Comment by Sigmund December 2017

  • Been a long movement. 2 1/2 days of bus travel from one end of the country, to the other. One more transfer and my journey is complete.

  • Two different things that I'll Rage/Mad at.

    #1: The Aetolian Discord - I understand that it comes to a point where you play Aetolia for so long, that one starts to crave a little more OOC interaction with the RL players behind the charact…

  • Here it is, here's that big a** lion that's been creeping about Sigmund lately!
  • I really got to get some artwork of Sigmund up here, looking at all of these is making me hanker for a visual depiction of salty Siggy.

    He has something of a "spirit animal" theme, each creature embodying a particular attitude he has. Wol…
  • My vices, and particular habits/attributes I have. Lately they have been getting the better of me. I'll rage at that.
  • Just heard this today. Fits Sigmund aptly.

  • Hunting for affirmation - Curious if Sigmund even deserves one currently. It's been awhile since I bumped this thread, so I dont mind doing so.
  • Lots of LOVE to everyone involved with Sigmund's development. Allies, enemies, friends, and everyone else that exist inbetween.

    Siggy hates me, the player. But all the character immersion from everyone keeps him off my back. Cheers.
    in LOVE Comment by Sigmund November 2017
  • Character Name: Sigmund Almeric


    Race: Typical Human

    Gender: Male

    Guild/House: None

    City: Republic of Spinesreach

    Congregation/Order: Lady Chakrasul

    THE LOOK<…
  • @Illidan - I really like how you handled that situation. Professional, to the point, no blows thrown on your end of the matter (except legal blows, which are overtl…
  • I remember you. I remember Macian. I was in the Bahkatu for a long, long time, and when they left Ashtan my character stayed behind for as long as possible despite the move. I also remember me bringing that up to you and you not having an issue with…
  • Sigmund's Patriotism

  • Ice queen of Spinesreach - Love the power politician angle. Being around Kelliara in person puts Sigmund on his toes right away. Her roleplay has a sharp edge to it, and it's always to the point. She don't mess around, and is real careful and delibe…
    in Kelliara Comment by Sigmund August 2017
  • I like Vash. His constant questions during Sigmunds history class was highly welcome, and the man himself proves to be energetic and engaging. Like the character, and hope Sigmund and Vash cross paths more.
    in Vash Comment by Sigmund August 2017
  • Being jobless and homeless sucks. Just what I needed. My mad post for the day.
  • Spinesreach

  • @Demarcus - Sorry your butting heads with your wife.

    I'm in the middle of a divorce. Only thing I have to say, is that I wish I had been strong enough a…
  • Mad - At a decade plus of friendship being thrown down the drain, all over a piece of 19 year old a*s that's barely three months familiar.
  • High chance for a brawl to spark off if it's ever revealed.

    Last thing I expected to happen today, and not what I need on top of all my other ongoing problems.
  • Mad at my friends girlfriend for making really hard advances on me with my boy just a room over.

    This is the kind of situation that sinks friendships, and now I'm faced with speaking up and alerting him, or keeping my mouth shut.
  • Small idea, might flesh out some of the new Wayfarer lore.

    Given the lore platform that Wayfaring has, having two or three NPC wayfarers that roam the realm, and maybe do something minor or have a quest attached to them, would be interest…
  • I really like your post, Axius. You probably actually ended up helping someone in the long term by putting that number up. You did a noble thing even including it into your MAD line of discussion.
  • My life is settling down slowly as of late, and I've managed to plug myself into more and more of the Aetolian universe here and there. Hopefully my newly charged forays into the game have caught the attention of others on some level - This is me po…
  • Sigmund and Phoenecia have only interacted briefly. And quickly for that matter. The event between the two did bring the two of them into contact however, and I'll admit, Sigmund had no idea what to expect, and regardless of how civil/formal the Spi…