"She regaled a tale of wonder in the Storytelling Contest of 470 MA."
First, a quibble with phrasing - 'regaled' isn't intransitive. It takes an object. As phrased, this currently reads like I'm regaling the tale of wonder itself w…
I think that with the current size of our playerbase, we have very little to gain from hiding one of the core draws of our game behind arbitrary information barriers.
If people want this information in an easily-accessible forma…
I am inclined to agree with this. The role of libraries in the game has changed substantially - and imo, for the better - since the introduction of orghelps. Libraries now slant toward the presentation of long-form information that'd be cl…
Yes. Good post, good thoughts. I like the idea of shifting conflict away from cities. I do want to keep raiding, but it should be much rarer, much more of a Big Deal, and much more expensive to do. Some sort of formalized system for…
It would just be really nice if these surges of activity could surround meaningful conflict that doesn't alienate the losing side or damage the community.
I want to also express love for the Ascendril and Enorian for really pulling through and reminding me why this game can be awesome. I'm feeling really positive about how things are going overall.
@Rhyot and I were just talking about my ideas for the war system, and one thing he brought up about it that I think is probably a good point is that, as proposed, the…
Additional thought re: spies - maybe the receiving city has to choose what its immigrant dossiers look like/what information is relevant, and once every X amount of time (not sure how fast it should be), they're allowed to make one change to the for…
If/when a war system emerges, one thing that I think the ylem system we have now has nailed is having periodic, discrete points of conflict with downtime in between. I think a war system could largely consist of conflicts over objectives in a simila…
@Tenshyo - mages have Revelation. After a short delay, a small mana expenditure, and a couple of cheap-as-free crystals, you have the ability to produce a free eye …
Also, you've failed to demonstrate with any degree of adequacy that Atarah was acting in good faith, or that even if she was, she was leaving tells, hints, and other clues for people who were paying attention. These are massive assumptions…
Making that a secondary priority in favor of some sort of abstract "dark fantasy" ideal? You've as good as said that our mechanics don't back that up, and unless major changes are made, there will probably never be a severe enough degree o…