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  • (Quote) Does exhaustion stop racial flights or was that just weariness? Bard does have access to both, although they're hard to buffer in the normal flow of Bard combat.
  • (Quote) As someone who has put a lot of work into Bard and enjoys it quite a lot, I will just say they feel like a class that is just a couple minor tweaks away from being "good". I don't necessarily even know what those tweaks would be, though I …
  • (Quote) I'm thinking very watered down guards as well. Like, 1 or 2 that might come to your defense. Maybe if you pay them? Bodyguards you'd have to keep on retainer who'd just escort you around the redoubt to protect you from seedy sorts that con…
  • I think something like a "Rogue's Redoubt" near Esterport with a few essentials would be nice. For example:
    • Just a handful of guards, to provide the bare minimum of reprieve from battles.
    • Private and/or concealed room(s), to …
  • why should I ever give a shit about dying when I have died and been returned five thousand times?

    I would ask the inverse question, as well: why should I give a shit about killing things, when they will just retur…
  • (Quote) I mean, I basically agree with you. The perma-open-PK just feels weird. I try not to harass anyone too hard, but I more or less could just gank the same 2 or 3 people 5 times a day. I've killed people who didn't even know there was a war g…
  • I'm not sure if I dislike the perma-open-PK nature of militias, or the anxiety about militia membership forced by certain organizations in the name of "roleplay". You really should quit militia if you don't like having to watch your back or die to a…
  • I just don't know, guys. RP spawned some admin assisted conflict, some heads were (and will continue to be) smashed, plenty of people had fun with it. Why's it got to be a big thing? Maybe this thread is just bad.
  • (Quote) I believe the "field" manipulations are all 24 hours, persisting through death and logout, including the artifact fields.
  • (Quote)
    I feel for you, as that sounds troublesome, but... it's the vortex...
  • (Quote)
    Well, I'd say retaliation is offensive. Unless your buddy is being actively attacked right now by an aggressor, you're not defending, and you need something better than friendship for jumping into the fray. If someone balks at t…
  • I would add to a point Elene mentioned though - I personally do find the "They are my allies", or "My org are allies to their cause", or "my friends that got assaulted I must revenge." reasons are really weak sauce to justify PK. …
  • Give Syssin on demand hypochondria and impatience.
  • (Quote) I understood that just fine. What I'm getting at is those boundaries are not as hard set or precisely defined as what's in the help files, and your responsibility to pursue RP within those boundaries is secondary to creating a fun environm…
  • (Quote) It's not a job, though. It's a game. Admin obviously have the last word on a lot of things, but players should have and do have more autonomy than this. This is doubly true because you signed up for a lot more than being at the admin's bec…
  • (Quote) I disagree with this. If a leader doesn't like the "intended" RP, they are not required to push that RP. They should not push it in the complete opposite direction, because that's likely to confuse and annoy newbies, members, peers, and ad…
  • (Quote) War is not a one-and-done affair, though. I believe there should be space in a system for a late-night tee-up, while making sure that they're not the whole of the war. A fun system is where all parties can actively engage with the system, …
  • It didn't feel like, and this can be said to either side who did this, there was a pulse check of "hey do you have active defenders?" to ensure people weren't just bashing troops/guards when there was no one around to stop them. T…
  • From a story perspective, the war's start was great. It felt compelling to me and we knew why we were fighting. The end, however, was disappointing and abrupt, to me. I don't really understand why we're no longer fighting. I reali…
  • Some sort of active militia system might have been nice. I was in full-blown assassination mode when I was able to participate, but I didn't feel right ganking people who weren't actually participating. I generally resorted to searching their name i…
  • (Quote)
    A class based on elevation differences/movements? 🤔

    Not saying that what you meant, just made me think of what mechanical niche they could be filling in.
  • (Quote) This seems risky. What if your amazing, secret strategies are just so overpowered the admin choose to nerf them out of season? Now you've wasted a whole year not participating in what is supposed to be a fun activity for you, and you don't…
  • (Quote) That's actually much how I would sum it up as well, though in different terms. Sect is a work in progress, and we should be understanding of changes made along the way. If Mjoll or anyone else is feeling sore about it, they can assuage the…
  • Fine, let's take this point by point.

    So you agree that it's a competitive sector of Aetolia, then?

    Clearly. It is not a competitive sport, though, and not as rigidly structured as most other competitions. H…
  • (Quote) You can't just say "so you agree that" and then post a bunch of stuff you wished I had said.
  • (Quote) Clearly, something should be changed because the whole season seems like a bit of a gaff if the top duelist fought only 16 spars this year. No one here even seem to disagree that a change needed to be made. I'm making the argument that cha…
  • But that isn't really what the issue is - it's about competitive expectations. If you set the rules of the game for something that has stakes, you generally don't change the rules 3/4ths of the way through. Look at League of Legen…
  • (Quote)

    1432 The Sect of 9/26/2021
    Hello Blade members! With the end of current rating period not too far away, please note that
    unlike other years, we will be only including the top eight upon the plague…
  • Clearly, a fair game is important, and a rules change can feel unfair when it cuts against you. However, I think we all need to take a step back and consider if the game "as-is" is fair or not. In so doing, I would look at who this affects and how, …
  • I shall forever mourn the loss of Aetolia's asymmetrical nature, but the positives outweigh the negatives by a big margin. Everyone gets new toys for cheap (in terms of admin/volunteer effort, compared to a full new class or system). There'll be les…