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  • (Quote)

    Can you touch base on this theory?


    in Erudition Comment by Seig February 2013
  • I was highly confused when you more or less described a Bard (any Human that dedicates their lives to a geographical location, and the music and knowledge that is inherent in it's indigenous population). I personally had come to the conclusion th…

    in Erudition Comment by Seig February 2013
  • As much as possible. Do you think it is possible for music to be wielded in the same manner as language? Using music as a means to translate empathy and mental disposition on a much higher scale than verbal/word communication would be able to ach…

    in Erudition Comment by Seig February 2013
  • I would be paying if it did count.

    in Erudition Comment by Seig February 2013
  • Dreaming in text, Aetolia style. Has happened more than once. There was one instance, when Ashtan was still around, that I had an RP session with Indelacio and Truft. I woke up the next day and figured that it had truly happened. Was interesting get…
  • Anyone here on the forums ever had a moment of Synesthesia?

    in Erudition Comment by Seig February 2013
  • (Quote)

    Thank you for your service.

    From - A fellow Veteran.

  • Aware. Curious. No problem carrying an in-depth or heavy conversation on an interesting subject. More interaction is demanded.
  • My mind is rotating around a particular subject. If a new language was introduced into the realm, how would it be made legit if it's blueprint and foundation is based off of a language in the REAL world?

  • Anyone here interested in Music Theory? Or just the general study of Music all around?

    in Erudition Comment by Seig January 2013
  • Been around a little bit more, was wondering if anyone had a critic to share.
  • (Quote)

    If you are interested in the mechanics of relationships, and so on, you might be interested in the concept of Esprit De Corp. It holds alot of sway and power within military spheres of influence, but can be applied to t…

    in Erudition Comment by Seig January 2013
  • (Quote)
    I have a book in my library that is a particular favorite of mine, called The Great Transformation, by Karen Armstrong. In one portion of the book, she touches on how the Aryans considered Language in itself a "Divine" asp…
    in Erudition Comment by Seig January 2013
  • I will give you light, Arbre. This thread is for the discussion, pursuit, obsession, immersion, and cultivation of any and all branches of knowledge. Picture the collective knowledge of the universe as a giant oak tree. Climb it's branches until you…
    in Erudition Comment by Seig January 2013
  • I'm actualy interested in this stuff. My character is a dumping ground for various aspects of myself. But for me to go into detail about that, it would be best for a seperate thread to be created, and I dont really want to do that right now.

    in Erudition Comment by Seig January 2013
  • Let me make something utterly clear. This discussion thread is not for those who think they are better than anyone else. A truly curious soul who wants to know more is humble, and slow to judge or put down his fellow man when it comes to delving int…
    in Erudition Comment by Seig January 2013
  • I dont remember saying that anywhere, but that's a fine way to put it. People with a natural, unyielding thirst for the knowledge contained within the fabric of reality is what I created this little forum discussion for. I can safely assume that suc…
    in Erudition Comment by Seig January 2013
  • Funny pictures of cats = Comedy. Comedy is an important branch of the human expierance.
    in Erudition Comment by Seig January 2013
  • Character Name: Seig Almeric


    Race: Human

    Gender: Male

    Guild/House: Cabal.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

  • I quietly rage at a few things that bother me. I rage at the current set up for how skills are learned and expanded within playing characters. The fact that one should join a faction in order to learn a power skill bothers me. In fact, I rage at …

  • I love peanut butter chocolate. It's one of the simple pleasures in my life.
    in LOVE Comment by Seig January 2013
  • Seems like a well to do individual, despite only meeting him once. Also, I demand a rematch at the chess board!
    in Akimoto Comment by Seig January 2013
  • A devoted Statesman.

    in Aarbrok Comment by Seig January 2013