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  • @Gavramel - Thanks! The visor was a little annoying at first, but I sort of adjusted to it. I was wearing color contacts too..but my eyes are green, and the adjust…
  • Character Name: Saybre Windrayn


    Race: Idreth (no Heritage, but prev was Atavian)
    Gender: Male
    Guild/House: Templar
    City: Enorian
    Order: Slyphe - Formerly Auresian

  • (Quote) Carni really should be able to use all the 2 handers imo. They should also get an exclusive 'improvised bludgeoning weapon' option. Like just..a big plank of wood.

    Mjoll swings a 2x4 from Home Depot at your left leg in a deafen…
  • And I decided to go ahead and crunch something out for Templar Mirror too!

    With the skillsets currently, there doesn't seem like there's a TON of re-flavoring, because the names of the abilities are nearly generic as it is in most cases. …
  • I am inspired by @Oonagh and his flavorful ideas, so I took a crack.

    My idea for Carnifex Mirror - > Crusaders

    (I want to do the same for T…
  • The vast increase in automated systems/tracking is staggering from what I remember years ago. There used to be just Xarian with his 'AI' Esque offense, then a few more people started to figure out how to code in relatively effective tracking (before…
  • If the concern is the class balancing aspect, I agree with separating the Praenomen Class from subrace, maybe do something like Haven said to make the subrace 'spicy' as an allure, since I recall Vampires back in the day being sort of like 'ooooh aw…
  • Silly idea:

    Make Praenomen/Vampire be like Shapeshifter. When not 'in it' you're effectively fully masquerading.

    Instead of Mutate/REVERT

    REVEAL/MASQUERADE to shift in/out. When 'in it' the subrace is activated, etc,…
  • (Quote) Apologies if I was unclear, I'm not talking about just changing weapons, I'm aware of quickwield. I meant it being a viable kill route to actively swap back and forth, as it is - go affs for Retri, or against certain opponents to build ble…
  • *Puts on old Paladin to Templar hat*

    So, coming back after not playing for several years and seeing my beautiful Templar nerfed significantly (Rupture, woe..how I loved thee), I get why, and it does feel crippled comparatively, considerin…
  • (Tells): Lady Kalena Kavoros tells you, "Just let me know when to hold your head under the holy water or push you into the volcano!"
    (Tells): The crackle and pop of flames accompanies your voice as you tell Kalena, "..WOW."
    (Tells): Lady K…

  • Didn't quite have the hair, but not bad!
    in Hero Forge Comment by Saybre August 2020
  • Just for @Sryaen

    in Post Your Pictures! Comment by Saybre July 2020
  • Sausage.

    Truly I am dumbfounded Sayb and Sry didn't really interact way back in the day (Even though Sry was baddie dark dark man). But boy, loving you being back and being a quirky, angsty, trying-to-find-his-new-place-in-the-world sort…
  • This is my very Work in Progress on a Family Portrait of Saybre (top left), Aren (top right), and Tratos (bottom). Probably not even close to what the final will look when I get around to it. I think I've changed Aren like 14 times alr…

  • Sessi is the bestest. Absolutely love it! Def recommend.
  • @Moirean - Signet big thing was to be able to seal letters without a candle or wax, since they removed the need for candle/wax to send a letter (used to be required…

    (That's me raging.)

  • Well...if it was the Steelers she'd probably be fine... *flee*
  • TL;DR
    Suicide tactics were used long before the XP change, as the people doing them (then AND now) are all Endgame and the death loss isn't that big of a deal anyway, and 'farming XP' isn't really the reason the majority of the people who go t…
  • @Moirean - I think it's Mudbot that is the issue, I just loaded a naked Aet and put in the protocols and the trigger from Jeremy...works great.
  • Yeah, had it set as GMCP, even flipped through a few of the #s, nothing. Darn Vox things are the reason this is such a pain in the rear.
  • Same here, tried multiple versions of trying to capture, the protocols are there, still nothing.

    Unhappy face.
  • Trying to figure out this GMCP.Communication bit, since the new Vox stuff it makes it a pain to capture. Tried to do an ANSI wildcard, and it just trigger loops all the time. Since there's a Start, and an end, not certain how to grab the information…
  • I approve. The Shapeshifter Hall I made in Delos is going to be partially public, and we have a taproom/tavern. Really wish it could be full-on Bar-esque (I like Kerryn's thing in the Black Flagon), but that was a custom thing that isn't even advert…
  • Could just make it 'blackink' instead of making it snazzy obsidian.

    Also loving the changes overall so far. Putting paresis in for coding and whatnot, makes me want a paresis empowerment for bludgeoning weapons. *dreams*
  • Just voted, we're just 1 vote off from Gemstone! WE CAN DO IT. (lets beat Imperian)
  • @Moirean

    I tried this up over a year ago. It garnered us getting Lycan language SIGN un…
  • @Elwyn - I think Raz has been hella busy lately, I had stuff for my custom house to set up and took him a bit longer than normal to get to. Sure he's either been work…