Whenever I connect to my Aetolia profile on Mudlet and then login on a character, there is a period where Mudlet almost threatens to go non-responsive. I don't think it actually is, but I blame windows 7 for displaying it as such. Sometimes t…
As I see it, this is The Midnight Age where there isn't a choice of plain-and simple win/lose because everything is complete unicorns. If every room in the forest wasn't exterminated/was rejuvenated, that doesn't represent baseline. In…
yeah, I do that and get responses pretty often (also thanks to the random souls who entertain me thru mob dialog), but I also don't want to be roping in some unknowing person into a lengthy conversation especially if it's about something they don't …
1. I have an alias that just does a simple
I added a screencap in an earlier post, and that was shown using display(gmcp), but it looks identical to gmcp.Comm.Channel.Text.text. It also d…
Just occurred to me it might also be the font I'm using that's contributing to some of the characters I've never seen associated with ANSI. I'm using Bitstream Vera Sans Mono which I think is the Mudlet default but can't remember. How about you?
Thanks! So at one point, my gmcp table was capturing the ANSI escape characters of the channel. I was using a yellow FG at the time, I've since switched it back to white FG/black BG, and my gmcp table quit showing ANSI code. I'm assuming that defaul…
@Teani I posted other links earlier as to why i think mock ebonics/selective appropriation is problematic. That link explaining the origins of ebonics wasn't related …
@Mephistoles I didn't refuse your arguments because you're not black, I disagreed with your arguments because I don't think they're sound and they contradict a …
Sure, but that doesn't mean I owe Mephistoles an apology in the same way because he's not a recipient of any of my anti-blackness. I also don't know what "Racism is objective" means because everyone experiences it differently. Nobody is a monolith.
Yes, a black person called me out on being a racist so I apologized because I've been saying uncironsed things. Someone who isn't black called me out for being racist when I was calling them out for being racist and we hit a stand still.
Re: NORM, but because of segregation and redlining, even if something only evolves because of an area, that area is still often directly related to race.
Also about how I could've handled it, I think you're 100% right, but I chose not to …
I'm just saying my preferences. It doesn't have to be a big deal, I just don't want to be called buddy anymore. Since it obviously wasn't known beforehand, now we all know and it can be avoided in the future. If I call you something you don't want t…
@Mephistoles Not super into being called buddy because of it's gendered connotations. Anyways, I listed southern cultures as an example of why non-black people …
I wasn't super set off about the farmers, that's why I tried to bring up a conversation on shunt. I wanted everyone else's opinions, but Ingram immediately launched into very obvious mock ebonics and that's what led me to quitting the clan. I asked …
It's not white separatist. White people using mock ebonics and AAVE is a thing that's been going on for hundreds of years. I'm saying there are inappropriate uses of …
@Moirean Yeah, this is definitely way beyond what I was trying to bring up on shunt, and I don't think any of this thread is actually relevant to that anymore. I th…
Obviously not all black people find white people using AAVE racist. If some black people do, then my use of AAVE is still offensive and inappropriate to them. That's why I don't use it.
My opinion isn't shared by the Klan, and jumping to …