He is a powerful Azudim of Atavian heritage with a tall, slender stature topping out at six and a half feet. Wide shoulders slim into a narrow waist, skin pale like white marble and very …
I thought so, but I've been told (by the player of an Arqeshi) that it's a different language. Maybe that should've been the question I led off with...
I don't frequent the forums much these days, but I felt a spiritual stirring, as if my name and the word "beer" were in the same sentence. Always trust your instincts, I say.
You're at three definites, yo, just say where and when.
The heritage skills are, yes, but I believe (and correct me if I'm wrong) that what Erzszszeeszesze is saying is that when you go from, say, Atavian to Tekal, you lose a few racial skills. You have to spend (I think) five points on Flight, Hover, an…
With the April promotion for relic pieces, am I mistaken or is the ONLY way to get them to buy credits off of the website in chunks of 100cr or more at a time? Do they not come in chests also?
Those are definitely rip/tear marks in the fabric, yeah. And, given the context of what else is in the picture, I'd go so far as to wager that Aishia made those tears when she TORE IT OFF VALINGAR'S RIPPED ABS.
Last night I attended the premiere event party for Tales from the Borderlands at the Alamo Drafthouse. There was fun swag (d20 dice with the Vault symbol in place of the 20, Handsome Jack masks, siren tattoo sleeves, etc), we all got codes for free …
It really takes a special kind of person to devote 2-3 emotes solely to the boogers and mucus that result from a crying fit, especially in the first RP exchange that you have with someone. I'm sold.