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  • I made another Rinn and I like it. So, here. 

    in Rinnek Comment by Rinnek December 2021
  • Saw some folks using this piccrew thing, so I gave it a whirl. Amusing. 
    in Rinnek Comment by Rinnek October 2021
  • I have yet to come across a more interesting RP partner for Rinnek. The two of them have these odd similarities that could either lead to a sense of kinship or a violent clash. Thus far it has been delightfully the former. As a player, your mastery …
  • A refreshingly unique character. Not afraid to color outside the lines with bug n' gut crayons and still manages to turn every interaction into a singular sort of art. Rinn is a standoffish sort by nature, but there's perhaps only one other person h…
    in Qelres Misi Comment by Rinnek July 2021
  • Sryaen is a grumpy butt. 😐
  • (Quote) So damned true. 🙌
    in Rinnek Comment by Rinnek May 2021
  • A gift from the wonderful @taye! I am speechless
    in Rinnek Comment by Rinnek May 2021
  • Taye is a rather interesting character. Rinnek is socially awkward by nature and by virtue of his youth, but each time he and Taye interact he has grown into his skin a bit more. Your writing style is very unique and I always end up appreciating out…
    in Rinnek Comment by Rinnek April 2021
  • Heh, thank you. Rinnek has no idea what to make of Qelres but the scenes always end up being great. I very much enjoy dealing with the unexpected and your character unfailingly provides that. I'm sure Rinnek will find himself cornered eventually. He…
    in Rinnek Comment by Rinnek April 2021