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  • Maybe a mix of both? Have a contested area between two at-war orgs "open" twice or thrice a day, for short periods, like an hour or so, where the focus is on troop order (npc movement) instead of PK. When one side finally does take the area, through…
  • I'm not sure what's going on with the Sabelism part (haven't done much except bashing), but from what I can gather, it sounds like they want to move the main belief system from individual Guilds into the City. I've played Lusternia for a while befor…
    in Age of Dawn Comment by Rina January 2015
  • Kids these days don't read enough, that's why. It was the stories that I had been reading way before that which helped make the text medium as immersive as video games and graphics. When I first got into MUDs, the video game industry was already rev…
  • Just a new paladin's opinion, but I chose to play Rina mostly because I wanted to play a good guy in a world hopelessly overrun by evil. That's pretty damn cool, in my opinion. Thematically, I would be fairly disappointed if that changed 180 degrees…
    in Age of Dawn Comment by Rina January 2015
  • I don't use mudbot. And uh, it's a weird problem that's for sure. I made another character to test, and that one had her combatmessages appear red... and only red, no matter what I set the config colour to. I used the flash client on the site to tes…
  • Hrm, I've tried that but nothing changed, unfortunately.
  • Hi, I don't know if this has been answered before, or if it's even a mudlet problem, but I can't seem to view combatmessages properly.

    The problem is the colour. This is my config colour for it:

    CombatMessages 9 0 You use…