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  • Metagaming. OOC rumors about characters. People in general.
  • I got schooled in the way of Aquila family motto.

    Message #6384  Sent By: Arbre           Received On: 6/06/2013/17:14
    "If you can't keep it in your pants keep it in the family."

  • To be fair, we'd all be having our RP flushed down the drain.
    in Albedos: Q&A Comment by Rho May 2013
  • When you start up randomRP with someone and then it lasts for 6+ hours. A really wonderful way to end a day.
    in LOVE Comment by Rho May 2013
  • showidea 2613

    Idea #2613   Section: unassigned   Support: 13
    2011/08/04 05:00:26: Under the ESTEEM system, allow it to work like messages or tells in that it keeps a list of the last X esteems to be expresse…
    in Short Questions Comment by Rho May 2013
  • That wasn't an idea, I'm pretty sure that's how it already works.

    (Miss you too <3)
  • Poses reset upon changing rooms, afaik.
  • All of the people who have mentioned me in the 'Thank you' thread. Whenever I check the forums and see that I've been added to someone's list, even for the simplest of interactions, it always turns my day around, and I've had a few rough weeks.
    in LOVE Comment by Rho May 2013
  • Not having Internet for about a week because the person who was supposed to be paying it 'forgot' for 3 months. Good thing I had one last paycheck after being laid off two weeks ago.
  • (Quote) I've been trying to use it more and more, yeah. I think that giving him a hobby like that has allowed me to approach people he'd normally never talk to, which is amazing!

    Thanks for all the RP and words, guy…
  • Usually it'd be just after winter so that they have more time before the -next- winter to grow up and be ready for it.
    in The Beast Within Comment by Rho May 2013
  • That's just Arbre. She's always in heat.
    in The Beast Within Comment by Rho May 2013
  • You can also just type in forums.aetolia.com/discussions and it'll bring up the page for that.
    in New Forums Comment by Rho April 2013

  • (Quote) I certainly..didn't mean to imply playing characters like that at all. And I'm not sure how 'radically' different at least one of my examples was, as I know quite a few Syssin past and present who didn't play it like the s…
  • (Quote) Twice now I've mentioned that I don't think it should go straight to PK. I don't think it should go straight to killing someone for it. I think my point has just been lost.
  • (Quote) Just because nobody bothers to learn it, it doesn't mean that you somehow get an excuse from someone's retaliation for your character's actions

    Edit: And I doubt it's for singularly advertising it. Maybe Ell…
  • Again, as I said, you probably shouldn't just olol kill someone for it. I'm not sure what brought on your comment about adults and such, but I'm not sure 'They did it, so now I'm doing it' has ever really solved anything. All I'm saying is that it's…
  • I'm just a peon, so likely my opinion matters little, but - Why haven't you already been doing this? If people advertise as trying to recruit repeatedly, it certainly seems as if they're asking for some form of conflict from those they offend, and t…
  • Not really rage, but more of an annoyance.

    Guildmasters/Secretaries having a belief that members should conform to a certain trend and try to change them into it. Maybe I don't want to play an underhanded, sneaky Syssin, or a de…
  • How is that pushing it? She's actively trying to take away members of (most likely) the city that Ellenia is in charge of. I'm actually surprised they(Bloodloch/Dominion/Vampire people) haven't tried to do something before now.
  • Echoing my post from a few days ago, as I found out earlier today that I've dropped about 10 lbs. It's not much, but it's a start! 
    in LOVE Comment by Rho April 2013
  • (Quote) This. For the past few two months or so I've been working a pretty physically demanding job and it involves a lot of heavy lifting. I was in the shower last week and looked at my arms and was like, 'Sweeeeet muscle definition th…
    in LOVE Comment by Rho April 2013
  • Hey remember that time someone posted a rage and nobody replied to it? Yeah me-..wait...wait...nope.

    This continues to happen. Let's change that.
  • (Quote) Try setting wrapwidth to 0 so your client does the wrapping instead of server side. Pretty sure that's the fix that worked last time I helped someone with it.
  • Support idea 2613! Pretty similar idea, already has 12 upboats.
  • It means the mapper has lost where it is. Most likely, the room you're currently in isn't mapped or mapped correctly. Try going to somewhere you know is mapped right, then going back to that place - if it doesn't fix it, try re-mapping the room that…
  • The more I watched that, the more my head tilted to the side.
    in YouTube Comment by Rho April 2013
  • Why can't you all just let someone rage and not respond to it. Not doing that is how things always start going downhill here.
  • I know there were problems with how it turned out and he had to make changes to alter how it went, but to just..ignore it - Harsh. Must be put in the pile with cross dressing Sev.