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  • Wooo! Thanks to whoever mob possessed Kiri, the bar wench in the Hound and Halberd tavern. You really made my day. It's these little moments when things unexpectedly come to life around you that make for nostalgic memories.

    in Thank you! Comment by Reva December 2015
  • (Quote)
    in Fishing Comment by Reva September 2015
  • I only got QDW (and fishing) myself very recently and still have the habit of using SECURE. My fault here
    for not testing both in advance, @Luna.
    in Fishing Comment by Reva September 2015
  • Any chance we could get the ability to SECURE/QWD POLE in combination of weaponbelts, please?
    It should not have much of combat relevance at all. It is more a matter of convenience, I admit.

    And, yes, I am lazy.
    in Fishing Comment by Reva September 2015
  • I don't own a shop myself, but it is tiresome to have designs made from crafting shelves still being listed in the directory even if the shop does not have the required commodities. You find something, run to the respective shop and then it is liste…
  • It'll be wonderful to get a way to add functional kennels to havens. It makes sense for a Carni to have the hounds nearby and it adds unique flavor. It could be done using up haven points or by paying a fortune in gold. A stationary artifact would b…
  • "Savage and with a tint of malice in her eyes, Xenia plunges her hand into the body's chest (somehow) and draws from between the ribs a mortal heart still dripping blood. "Have you had the pleasure of crushing a man's heart between your hands, Cohor…
  • Can't express enough the love for crazy random rp at Spinesreach that hits you, just when you started to think that this is a really boring day. Thanks for saving me.

    Much in LOVE Comment by Reva July 2015
  • Will there be Fisher Rankings, too? Or a list of who holds which record? You know, it's more fun if it's a competion.
    in Fishing Comment by Reva July 2015