And here is the final skillset of the Bards, HELP SONGCALLING:
There is no weapon more powerful to a bard than their voice, this simple fact is embodied within the art of Songcalling. From the drunk fool to the shining diva, anybody is ca…
Tina asks about minipet championships/derbies, release of new minipets, conflicting lore from different in game sources, the producer's stance on existing story from before he got in vs how the story will progress with him
Kanivara asks about better use of builders, frivolous issues, missing prizes from events, negative feelings during events, and policies not being applied evenly
Kanivara said: So I also have a honking paragraph…
I mean, most people are clever enough to not openly share secrets to entire communities. This sort of stuff almost entirely happens in DMs with trusted people already.
1) For the quitting Discord/Skype group rules, this is a little poorly worded in the announce post. We only require you to leave servers that are focused on Aetolia. e.g. official Aetolia discor…
match Match a text against a provided regular expression. The compiled expression is cached, making the matching very fast. Note that character groups (\d, \w, ...) need to have the backsl…
There might be a book on them in a library somewhere, but the tl;dr is they're Lleis' chosen race/one that she made. Her temple has a few of them in it if it's still accessible.
I've shifted those rooms off-plane so they won't count anymore. They were fully inaccessible, and the rooms have some special descriptions that imply they were being planned for something major rather than a general access area.
Funny you should mention that! We've actually been looking at Clawhook the last couple of weeks. As Lin said it was meant to have NPCs in it but they got lost/forgotten about somewhere along the line.