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  • Wow

    EDIT: and of course this is amazing and I adore it
  • Thank you for all the contributions you've made to this game and its culture - you'll be missed and appreciated in equal measure.
    in Goodbye Comment by Raah January 2021
  • Hi! Let's see, my list of labels... I'm a demi (gray ace), bi/pan trans woman.

    It's been my experience, playing this game for as long as I have, that it's always had a higher-than-average number of queer players. We're everywhere in Aeto…
    in LGBT+ Club Comment by Raah January 2021
  • (Quote)
  • Thank you - I genuinely appreciate that.

    Alas, however, I think this thread has run its course like the last one. Time to make like Madagascar and shut down everything.
  • Hi!

    This is a reasonable concern to raise, and I apologize for not giving a clearer timeframe when I closed the first thread. Although the Bloodloch Situation is important, it's not one of our immediate priorities. We agree that there's a…
  • Rest assured that while we're considering the issue, we're not going to be able to deliver a response while people - paid staff included - are busy celebrating a holiday and dealing with the other chaos in the world.

    Thank you all for you…
  • (Quote) Hey! So a lot of people are frustrated right now, and it seems like a timely occasion to address this question. This may be the bulk of my post.

    So... before I even begin to approach this, I want to talk about some of the factor…
  • (Quote) First of all, thank you for the compliment! 🤭

    Second of all, my favorite plane is the Chaos Plane, because of the sheer number of possibilities that can come up with it. Literally anything can happen there, and the fact that the…
  • (Quote) Garth Nix's Old Kingdom series, almost solely because of the amazing ways in which his undead creatures work. The bells are a neat touch, too, and sometimes I imagine a class designed to work a little like an Abhorsen...
  • (Quote) Oh gosh, this is a huge, huge question, and I could probably go on all day answering it. I'm going to limit myself to five seven highlights in order to not totally derail the thread!
    • Bastion, by Supergiant Games. Artist…
  • * Nisavi asks: Would you rather fight 100 duck-sized Omeis or 100 Omei-sized ducks?

    I'd rather adopt all 200 of them and conquer the world.

    * Elene asks: I have had recent conversations about how much autonomy players…
  • Hi! I am Ra'ah, I have been a volunteer on this text game for several years now, and I've done various events, progs, and areas across my time here. I'm very excited about the opportunity to be interrogated at length by some of you.