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Colorado, USA
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  • (Quote) If not, I'm calling shenanigans and getting my pitchfork. We have a witch amongst us
  • (Quote) The people bitching and whining here have already bitched and whined ICly and received the answers ICly. The only reason they're doing it here is cause they feel if they bitch and whine here, they'll get answers from a divine or some shit.…
  • (Quote) Blackjack tells you how much you've won/lost when you leave the table. Don't think roulette does though, since you don't actually sit at the table like you do with blackjack
  • (Quote) I've been meaning to do this very same thing to unlock FULL POTENTIAL on mah desktop. Lazy lazy me, still not even ordered it.
    in LOVE Comment by Qendyl September 2017
  • (Quote) Like a real man. Around your neck.
    in LOVE Comment by Qendyl September 2017
  • (Quote) image
    in LOVE Comment by Qendyl September 2017
  • (Quote) It's only because people survive shark attacks. When a vending machine falls on someone alone, the vending machine is too busy calling people to dial 911
  • Pretty simple idea. Could there be a cooldown placed on public posting after 2+ public posts within a 24 hour time period? I'd say nice low cooldown of 1 rl year. Maybe reduced to a 1/2 year if you have the post office contract coin artifact.
  • When you buy a cooldown artifact, does the new cooldown come into effect after the original reset time, or does it take the time down right away?


    I bought a L1 wayfare_mastery, which reduces the cooldown time significa…
  • (Quote) I vote so much, I don't even know if half of them count. Double on my birthday!
  • With the new promotion going on, with the lotteries .. Is there a way to see your tickets for it the weekly/IRE lotteries? I guess they'd be the same tickets in each one, but is there a way to see them, or do they not show up until the lottery actua…
  • You get the skill of den at 80% mythical now, and I believe there were skills having to do with packs that use to be after that, but it doesn't seem they're any longer a thing. I don't think you gain anything learning past 80% mythical
  • (Quote) Heh. Not trying to be annoying .. But I do have the artifact, and it still doesn't show on cooldowns
  • (Quote) You have too recently specialized in an environment to change it again.

    You have nothing on cooldown right now.
  • Currently, when a wayfarer trying to change masteries, you have to just know how long you've been in your mastery for , and if you attempt to change masteries it just shows you "You have too recently specialized in an environment to change it again.…
  • (Quote) I mean, don't get me wrong .. I've seen people completely try to avoid IC consequences by instantly changing to OOC tells, just to try and get away with something. In other games ..

    But this had nothing to do with any sort of in…
  • So, I do like to RP and stuff, but when it's the middle of the night, I'll occasionally sit around and talk to people OOCly i tells .. I'm sure I'm not the only one to do this. Is it commonplace in Aetolia for people to spy on OOC conversations and …
  • (Quote) You won't find one. Make it yourself.
  • (Quote) On this topic .. I use to hate going to doctor's. I hated needles, I hated hospitals, I hated everything about it. I never went, even in the when I had the weirdest things wrong with me. As I got older and actually got diagnosed with somet…
  • (Quote) I dropped everything ylem related that came from the chests at the "central" area in my city. Useless stuff is useless, and available without chests. Last two chests I got was actually all sigils and ylem crap. Don't even understand why th…
  • I said True Neutral. Qendyl is still rather new, while at first I was thinking Chaotic neutral, I wouldn't call him chaotic in the true sense. Sometimes he's funny just being stupid or doing random things, but I definitely wouldn't call him chaotic …
  • I miss mah hair. I'll be lucky if it'll look like this ever again :'(

    in Post Your Pictures! Comment by Qendyl August 2017
  • Being jobless and homeless does completely suck. Boy do I know how that feels. The cardboard box that I can afford on disability sure makes me feel homeless. But I feel ya man, I feel ya.

    madpost: I'm almost out of weed
  • (Quote) Awesome. Thanks for the answer. Maybe I'll ask IC, I just didn't really think it would be an IC thing to ask :smile:
  • This may only strictly effect wayfarers, and in an even smaller sense, adaptation .. But is there a reason that "Ancient Forest" environments don't count as forest when it comes to wayfaring, or is there a way that could be changed to work as "Fores…