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  • so I've seen a lot of people comment about how frustrating coding is... I wrote something on the forums to help people... maybe it'll help you too... @Eydis in What Frustrates You the Most? Comment by Plato November 2015
  • PvE (aka player versus environment) content can be a core part of Aetolia for many players as they level their characters and explore. Lately, however, we've noticed that there are some areas that are overlooked or untouched by many players.
  • went down... again dern those afk files
  • we get double xp for awhile? Heh I remember it happening once for the game being down for like 2 hours
  • For those interested in the technical details, we had a bug where one of our log files got too big and exceeded the maximum file
    size causing the game engine to crash. This took us quite a while to track down because our engine wasn't giving u…
  • nope I think Ishin broke it when he reached the max limit anyone can afk in their haven too long :)
  • thats correct I actually use true and false myself, makes scripting a little bit faster, but I find people learn easier when you can actually read like you would the game itself instead of using terms like true and false.
  • @azzello look at the next to last comment before Aldera's comment
  • ah well to be honest I don't use macros all that often. But yea you aren't putting it together. I said at the beginning that Aliases and keybinidngs aka. macros work the same way. So you'd write/code it the same way you would an alias. That alias is…
  • Welcome. I hope its detailed enough to where you can understand all of it. You should be able to do just about anything with all of this. Heh I spent 8 hours writing it all. One final piece of advice though. Try to keep your script clean and organiz…
  • Well that's pretty much everything. If anyone ever needs any help with scripting Cmud or Mudlet let me know and i'll do what I can
  • And last, but certainly not least. The mother of all information gathering. I am of course talking about gmcp.

    Now gmcp isn't actually a function. Gmcp, is how the aetolian servers see your status. It is a plethora of knowledge, that can …
  • The next topic is the opposite of the last topic I covered. Removing items from a list.
    For Cmud: #deli and %pop are God sends.
    Example Trigger: ^You have cured (*).$
    Script; #deli afflictions %1

    %pop does something a littl…
  • Sometimes your variables can be a long list of things and you need your client to search for them. The %ismember() and table.contains() functions can be used for this purpose. Here's an example of how they are useful.

    For Cmud:

  • Sometimes you may find yourself in a bit of a pickle and need to turn off a specific aspect of your system but you don't want to go in and manually do it. In cmud you can use the #T+ and #T- functions straight from the command line to enable and dis…
  • Something else that I forgot to mention a little earlier, that goes hand in hand with if statements are the elseif and switch statements. Essentially they work the same way, but writing if or #if this and if or #if that, a million times can get rath…
  • Also note that you can also do multiplication, division and addition as well in the same formats. By using the / symbol for division, * for multiplication, and + for addition
  • Alright remember that concoction alias I was talking about variables before? Well now we are going to write a legitimate script for it. For Cmud I can actually have it auto fill any amount of vials as well. However, while its possible to have it aut…
  • Both clients also have a sense of time! Meaning you can have scripts go off after a certain amount of time has passed.

    For Cmud the functions are: #wait and #alarm
    When doing #wait you must specify the number of "milliseconds" after …
  • Sometimes you don't want to see a particular line over and over again. If that happens you can actually make it to where you won't ever see those lines again.

    In Cmud the command for this is: #gag
    Example Trigger
  • Please note that the examples I give are extremely basic. When making your own system and scripts, you'll want to do more than just the examples I give.

    First up is the 'if' functions, also known as 'if' statements. This is the bread and …
  • for your entertainment the killing blow
    You nod gravely at your Guardian Angel, whose wings flare suddenly as an alien and frightening look of power sweeps across her face. With one hand, she reaches forward and as her hand touches Ashmer's che…
  • (Quote)
  • (Quote) I did
  • if any of you 'genius'' bothered to actually use your brain before you insulted my military uniform, you'd know that the color of that fabric changes color when hit with salt water to a very bright and noticeable color. So if you were to go overboar…
  • also these comments are bordering on abuse. Is that how you treat people who served your country? Glad to know how you two treat veterans, and all of you who liked and agreed with their comments
  • also ^ hat picture
  • picture removed, because I feel abused at the comments
  • no I was in the navy... That is the navy's uniform
  • picture removed because I feel abused by the comments