I've actually never made a moodboard before and it was hard at first but once I got going, I got GOING! Didn't realize that I pull so much inspo for Pi from so many places.
There's actually quite a few gifs in there, also vaguely nsf…
This is an ambient track called, "Asleep on a Faded Moss Patch" that I've had on my Pilar dur Naya Spotify playlist for ages now. It's one of my favorites and I think just embodies her overall mood very well in Theme Songs!!!Comment by PilarDecember 2020
[Part Two - Pilar escorts Aisling through the portal of Dendara to meet with their son to tell him why he is bound to the plane and to prepare himself for the final ritual with the serpent.]
As much as I like the idea of running a charity drive, I would prefer that we not commodify the Black Power symbol. I think we can find a much more tactful way to reference the movement with another item should that route be decided.<…
@Eydis Omg yes, Jackie is GREAT! I follow her on YouTube and a few other girls. Lizzie Loves is so cute, she's helped me out a ton with my looks. I also like SNF more…
@Mariena I often find NYX in drug stores and they usually have a big display in Ulta. It's a little pricier sometimes but if my local drug store has a limited selec…
I'm very dark so it's a little tougher for me to find things that compliment my skin but I just LOVE everything NYX right now. Especially their darker lipsticks, I think it's called the VAMP collection, those are my fave!
My roommate moved out early today. I have an AMAZING sublet lined up for Nov. 1st. My boyfriend is getting closer to a newer higher paying job and transitioning out of his current one. Still on track to move to Seattle in December
My roommate situation keeps getting worse and worse.
Now she's sending me passive aggressive texts but still avoiding me, turning the a/c on for the whole house at night when it's 59 degrees outside, and slamming doors obnoxiously when I'…
It looks like we're all on track for being able to move out at the end of October! My roommate has been giving me the silent treatment for some reason but I've honestly just been enjoying the space. It's still kind of tense but it's nice to be …
My cat died last week from cancer, he was very sick for awhile and I was doing my best to keep him comfortable and nurse him but he passed away at home. My roommate has been a unicorn about it.
It's been a very long time since I posted a pic on here...or ever >.> But I took a cute selfie before I went shopping for my Mom's birthday yesterday so…
OH, also I ship Gods and npcs sometimes, idc... >.>
I want Haern and Omei to be together and adopt Pilar. Prol and Rakdor are totally a couple. A gay faun/minotaur couple in Confession Thread 2.0Comment by PilarAugust 2016
I'm taking a break from work so I'll type something!
I've been playing Aetolia since I was 14-15 as a Sentinel. I'm 27 now. I have no alts because I have a hard time playing when it's not forestal related. Sad as that is.
I've been having such a good week. Work has been ANNOYING but profitable, so I can't complain too much. And the Pi got to hold a little durdalis seedling and complete her promise she made to Prol and Rakdor. THEN ALL THIS RP AT in LOVEComment by PilarAugust 2016
For the last week I've been REALLY busy with work and from all the reports I've been getting, it's happening the most during low traffic times. I have not seen messages of it happening as much during the times you're quoting or at all.
Honestly, I'm confused here - from what I'm reading we just have different expectations as to what "conflict" means and the appropriate way to stir things up.
How can you say that you want conflict between factions when you're showing up …