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Phoenecia · The Merchant of Esterport


Somewhere in Attica
Last Active


  • (Quote) I agree this isn't really the place to talk about it at length, but to be utterly frank, I feel you're kind of speaking from a position of privelige in the game because Sibatti as a character is one that's carried a LOT of clout in name al…
  • So, I've not played regularly in a long time, but when I was still playing, I made the choice to go cityless, and I did so for a number of reasons, as painful of an experience as it was. If you want to understand the plight of rogues and how …
  • After receiving so much great feedback on my first novel, my second is almost done. I've had my art featured as a musician's album cover, and I've made friends with a few musicians and artists I can do collaborations with. I've contributed art for a…
  • Finally pulled the trigger on releasing my first fantasy novel. The ebook version went live the other day, and the print versions will be released next week once I get the proofs back. I've been both nervous and excited about it for a long time now,…
  • I've played a few characters over the years (mostly minor alts), but most people know me for playing Phoenecia.

    I likely won't be updating or looking at my art commission thread on the forums here since I've moved all my commission info …
  • (Quote) Considering how often this happens for literally anything, this is PAIN. 
  • I actually enjoyed being on the show despite not being an active player, but it was really nice to be able to talk about an aspect of the game I really loved throughout my playing time.

    For the record, we did have a set list of topics to …
  • Hiya. Been a while, but I've been a bit busy working on a few projects the last few months; I've joined a big D&D community during that time and have been recently working on getting onto the official art team. You might see some of my stuff pop…
  • Since Bronecia got namedropped, I suppose I'll jump in here to help get things started.

    Differences between Phoe/Bronecia:
    A few images below (they're all a little old since I've not done Phoe/Bro art in a looong time).
  • (Quote) So, Sentaari have something like this already, and as far as I know, should still be a thing. When you reach a certain rank in the guild, you get access to a guild specific style scroll for Tekura (I think it's Tundrol, I forget).
  • There has ALWAYS been a huge cost to sidehopping long before mirror classes were even considered. You still lost lessons for forgetting tether-specific classes. You still lost credits for trading in artifacts that were no longer useful to the classe…
  • Heyo. Just bumping this to give people a heads up that I'm accepting art requests again. Some of the stuff in the upper brackets (mainly the full character art) will be increasing a smidge. Until then, prices are up to date. Also, I'm adding somethi…
  • Making a katana analogue wouldn't work with Djeir since Djeir (at least going by the names of NPCs) seems more Italian. Linking it to old Ashtan is probably the better way to go since an old Valentine's Day (the romantic dinner table) has sushi, whi…
  • There are very few instances where I'll outright walk out of RP on someone or dread interacting with someone. This kind of situation is one of those instances.

    There are times where I'll describe a person as emoting AT you as opposed to e…
  • (Quote) The master crafting list that Elene linked has a nice little thing that spews out what the final scents look like when you select a primary, secondary, and base scent.

    And a few more suggestions:

    [Oil] Straw…
  • I've got a few ideas myself, and I actually did looked up how these scents are described/used in the perfume industry. Hopefully this should add some new, desirable descriptors for more combinations too. >_>

    [Oil] Lilac
  • I'm not a math person, but I think the best indicator for what the average 'normal' NPC makes would be looking at city guard wages. If I remember right, guards receive comms as wages. Also, judging from the cost of things in NPC shops, I think a goo…
  • (Quote) Heeey. I'm still here! Still the same ol' Phoe. I sent you a friend request over Discord too. I've missed youuuu. 
  • Probably not since that's Slyphe's territory. 
  • Firstly: Where can I get me some of those?! *is an art whore*

    The art style on that first one is familiar.

    Second: I can't help but get a slightly Dark Shadows vibe 
  • (Quote) The thing to keep in mind is that the mirror classes are going to get reflavored. So if Teradrim were to go to the Shamans (I don't think it would since you'd have a really redundant mechanic in the whole sand/overgrowth thing), it'd be re…
  • Ascendril would probably end up getting a mirror of Indorani. Why? Shaman is already a class where you have to form pacts (kind of) on another plane, so it wouldn't make sense to double down on it. Ascendril, on the other hand...imagine making pacts…
  • Been a while since I've done anything, but here's a little Taiyang sticker.

  • A few things about Duiran's Speaker system:

    * Yes, each guild has a designated Speaker seat to represent the guild’s interests. There is also one spare seat meant for people not in any of the city's guilds.

    * Only members of th…
  • I'd actually love to see more Aquatic typed minipets since they're relatively uncommon.

    Hermit crab
    Swarm of crabs
    Baby shark. For obvious reasons. 

    I also love horde/swarm …
  • Unpopular opinion: considering the string of elections that just happened in Bloodloch, this thread appearing so soon after makes it seem like certain people are butthurt they didn't win.

    Also, I'm not entirely sure, but for some reason I…
  • Gonna echo a lot of things @Sibatti has said, since her comments kind of reflect why I've been playing D&D more than Aetolia. Aetolia, lately, has felt more lik…
  • Minipets used to be customizable up until minipet racetracks became a thing. Since then, you're not able to customizer minipets at all. 
  • For the past year and a half or so, I'd been putting my creative writing skills to work and started writing a lot of non-roleplay stuff. Finally finished a draft of the novel I had always wanted to do, and a step closer to publishing! I have a few s…
    in LOVE Comment by Phoenecia September 2020
  • I'm pretty sure I know what situation this whole thread was created from, so let's talk about what it's REALLY about.

    This argument is not about the fear of getting outguilded because someone or a group of people in leadership don't like …