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  • I decided it would be edgy for a boy to have a girl's name.
  • You have unlocked the following techniques in gourmandic style:
    Indorani (bonedagger)
    1P: With a flick of your wrist, you send (weapon) to make incisions …
    in LOVE Comment by Pearle August 2014
  • Carefully enunciating each sound, Pearle says, "I find that hard to believe. How difficult can it be?"
  • It's ADORABLE, isn't it? I just want to squish their sweet little smoke creature faces.
  • Ah, the Indorani. Priests of despair, professional layabouts, and expert gamblers.
  • I love the roleplay I've been having. I have no idea what's going on, but I sure am enjoying it!
    in LOVE Comment by Pearle August 2014
  • We had both the amulet and the scar. Then we got our amulets changed to be scars/irremovable items we can wear.

    ...but not really, I guess.

    The seagull is kind of funny. I keep imagining this great big seagull that flies down …
  • Oh, Elie, the creepy Queen of Heaven. Roleplaying with you is...refreshing? It's so very unique, compared to the other experiences I've been having in the game. Elie has such a poetic vibe about her, and it's really wonderful to watch her learn her …
    in Elie Nine Comment by Pearle August 2014
  • The darkened silver plates of this amulet have been woven into the intricate form of a thirteen pointed star. Ancient runes of power surround the obviously magical figure, and a single tiny emerald is suspended at the center of the amulet.
    It c…
  • I would love to try and make some maps of the cities, just for fun, but I'd need somebody to help me figure out what goes where. I'm kind of clueless when it comes to in-game geography.