@Satomi The not hitting is probably do the lag compenstion. But it would be nice if the severs were at a higher tickrate as well. As Illidan said, 50% winrate is ab…
@Satomi Legitimately the game rewards communication and having fun. I have friends I play with and it makes all the difference, as you've noted. But I also have so…
@Nola I'd avoid it on 360 or PS3, pretty sure they won't have the full Nemesis system implement. And honestly, the nemesis system is what makes the game trul…
Imperian has it as well, and has had it longer than Aetolia. And there still can be tension in between the orgs on a side, the fact that there is not is basically on the players. The problem is largely having tension be something fun …
You should give it a watch, Haven. Today will have matches in the loser bracket and the preshow will be starting at 12pm est/9am pst and matches starting an hour later I think.
If you're familiar with DoTA/mobas this is the ma…
DK is generally a bit overcautious with highground pushes yah. I'm not sure what they were hoping for, but it is what it is. LGD played it perfectly there at the end for sure.
I think they'll they do better tomorrow. I really hope to s…
I don't mind pflax and blitz. Its moreso shane I dislike. I've been pretty biased against him and lumi both since dreamleague this year, because the panel cast was largely terrible and I blame that for lumi not improving as a caster much at all.
Also, I have no problem with a team of superstars. Especially since Lanm is going to retire this year. And so will burning probably. I gotta image there's a decent chance MMY will as well.